
Bibliography and Sources

Primary Sources

Imperial War Museum, London
Scrapbooks entitled ‘Ministry of Information’, kept by E. Embleton, 1939- 1946, containing various newspaper clippings (many unsourced and undated).

Collection of newspaper cuttings entitled ‘ATS Glamour Girl, History 1939-85’ by Abram Games OBE, RDI.

Selection of original posters

Mass Observation Archives, University of Sussex
Change No. 2, Home Propaganda for The Advertising Services Guild, [1942]

FR 1, ‘Channels of Publicity’, 11/10/39

FR 2, ‘Government Posters in Wartime’, October 1939

FR 74, ‘Grab, Grab, Grab’ poster, 16/04/40

FR 442, ‘Be Like Dad, Keep Mum’ slogan, October 1940

FR 800, ‘Gas mask posters’, 21/07/41

FR 853, ‘The Technique of Gallup Polls’, 30/08/41

FR 1020, ‘Reviews of Home Propaganda by M-O: from Art and Industry, Vol. 32’, January 1942

FR 2442, Directive and Bulletin: New Series No 4, Merry and Black: reactions to the ‘Black Widow’ poster on road safety, December 1946

TC, Posters: Box 1 ‘Government Poster Survey 1939’

File A: ‘Memos and Comments’ September – November 1939
File C: ‘Government posters in wartime’ October 1939
File E: ‘Extra information post-survey’ 1939-1940

Box 2: ‘Surveys of particular Government posters 1939-1941’

File B: ‘Keep it Dark’ poster survey’ October 1939
File C: ‘Anti-gossip posters’ 1939-1940
File D: ‘Grab, Grab, Grab poster’ April 1940
File E: ‘Gas mask posters’ August 1941
File G: ‘Miscellaneous’ 1941

Box 4: ‘Various poster surveys: Government and Commercial’ 1939-1943

File A: ‘Poster survey’ 1939-1943
File C: ‘Red Army poster’ August 1941

Selection of original posters

Public Record Office, Kew (Now The National Archives)
Ministry of Information
INF 1/ Ministry of Information Files of Correspondence

INF 2/ Guard Books and Related Unregistered Papers

INF 3/ Ministry of Information Original Art Work

INF 13/ Posters and Publications (Selection)

Ministry of Agriculture
MAF 59/ Woman’s Land Army

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Boehm, E. Behind Enemy Lines: WWII Allied/Axis Propaganda (Wellfleet, New Jersey) 1989

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Willett, J. The Weimar Years: a culture cut short (Thames and Hudson, London) 1984

Zemen, Z. Selling the War: Art and Propaganda in World War II (Orbis, London) 1978

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Lewis, R.M., ‘Bibliography & Sources, Undergraduate Thesis: The planning, design and reception of British home front propaganda posters of the Second World War’, <URL>, written April 1997, accessed Enter Date Here

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By Second World War Posters

Mass Communications Academic, @MMUBS. British Home Front Propaganda posters as researched for a PhD completed 2004. In 1997, unwittingly wrote the first history of the Keep Calm and Carry On poster, which she now follows with interest.

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