OK, it was a resolution I made last summer, challenged by Alastair McKenna to try and read the Bible more regularly. On my RTW travels, this didn’t really happen, but I had lots of time out to think and check out God’s creation. Once I hooked up with Oak Hall for this summer, again with Alastair on my first trip, I decided I’d go for the ‘Bible in a Year’ option. I tried using one of the plans where you jump around the Bible, combined with my study Bible, but I got bogged down. There’s plenty of those kind of options on Amazon. Whilst at the Manor (Oak Hall), someone left ‘The Message‘ in my pigeon hole in August, and I challenged myself to read one chapter per day (more if I wished), and about 95% of the time this is happening, so I’m slowly getting there… result!
Online Helps
I’ve found it quite helpful to have some daily readings come in.
Seeds of the Kingdom
Written by staff from Ellel Ministries, this short daily devotional provides a verse or 2 from the Bible, and then a commentary, which is usually quite a thought-provoking but practical focus for the day, plus a brief prayer.
What did they say today about New Year’s Resolutions?
But what would happen if all believers approached the New Year with a different question and asked God what were His plans for them? And then we spent some time with God waiting on Him so that we could listen to His still small voice? We would then have fresh vision for the year ahead – and if it is vision from Him then we wouldn\’t run out of soulish energy in no time at all, but we would discover His sustaining power, enabling us to press on toward the goal He has put before us.
Word Live
Written by Scripture Union whose aim is “Using the Bible to inspire children, young people and adults to know God.”I got rather overwhelmed by this as it seemed quite long, but this is designed to offer options, rather than necessarily working your way through the whole-thing, and offers a multi-media engagement with the Bible:
- Read the translation you prefer
- Listen to music and podcasts
- Meditate with images and video
- Dig deeper into further Bible study
- Use WordLive on the move, whenever and wherever
What did they say today to welcome in the New Year?
A poem by Samuel Johnson: 1709–1794 to highlight that a new year is always an opportunity for a fresh start. Our God is a God of new beginnings.
Almighty God,
by whose mercy my life has been
yet prolonged to another year,
grant that thy mercy may not be in vain.
Let not my years be multiplied to increase my guilt,
but as age advances,
let me become more pure in my thoughts, more regular in my desires, and more obedient to thy laws.
Let not the cares of the world distract me, nor the evils of age overwhelm me. But continue and increase thy loving kindness towards me,
and when thou shalt call me hence,
receive me to everlasting happiness,
for the sake of Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
E-WordA short Bible passage arrives in your inbox each morning, with further information available online if you so choose to click through (for a variety of translations and languages). The aim of E-Word is to set up a good daily habit and understand God’s plan for your life. Also included in your e-mail message is a Christian Thought for the Day, words of wisdom from Charles H. Spurgeon, and a short Sermon Snippet. The on-line edition also includes direct access links to today’s most popular on-line devotionals in text and audio formats.
What was Spurgeon’s thought for the day today?
“I believe we must either go forward, or we must fall. The rule is in Christian life, if we do not bring forth fruit unto the Lord our God, we shall lose even our leaves, and stand like a winter’s tree, bare and withered.”
All of them have subscription options so they arrive as a little prompt in your inbox. I’m sure there’s lots of others, but these are the ones I’ve used!