Above is the current view of the Google Wave site, which is allowing 100,000 developers, corporates and interested individuals to request an invitation to test-drive the software on a large scale (it’s been in development for months!). I haven’t requested one, as I know I don’t have time to play with it at this stage, and look forward to playing with it when the technology has settled down a bit, the possibilities have become a little clearer, and I can start to see how best to suggest to others how to use it… but I’m watching it with interest. The topic is currently trending at No.2 on Twitter, with lots of discussion re: invitations!
An excellent blog post by Lifehacker, who has had a chance to play in the previous test phase: “Google Wave First Look” provides an excellent overview
Other Articles
- Google Wave Suite on Track, The Straights Times
- Google Wave: There Will be a Backlash, Tech Crunch
- Official Google Wave Blog
- Mashable: Google Wave Invites
- Mashable: Google Wave Guide
2 replies on “Google Wave Launches”
I will put it on my lap top till I experience it.
what do you mean ” moderation”?