Academic Digital

Higher Ambitions: The Future of Universities in a Knowledge Economy

33 The continuing development of
e-learning is a vital element in
supporting improvement of
teaching and the student experience
and in enabling the personalisation
and flexibility that students and
employers expect. We will empower
our universities to be world
leaders in the growing market in
transnational education based on
34 Whilst the performance of our
institutions in transnational
education and online distance
learning is already impressive,
we need to build on this to ensure
that we remain a global leader.
Our aspiration is to ensure that UK
courses are the first choice for
international students who want to
study but who do not want or are
unable to travel. We will therefore
build on the international reputation
of the overall “British Brand” of
higher education, and on distance
learning at institution level, to
ensure our strategic investment in
digital higher education supports
this existing area of strength.
35 HEFCE have established an
impressive taskforce to help take
forward the aim of helping UK
higher education remain a world
leader in online learning and grow
its market share by 2015. The Task
Force is chaired by Lynne Brindley,
Chief Executive of the British
Library, with representatives at
senior level from the private and
public sector, including Microsoft,
Apple, the British Council, HEFCE,
Joint Information Systems
Committee (JISC), and Universities
UK. The BBC has agreed to advise
the task force as and when
appropriate. The taskforce met for
the first time in September 2009.96
It will identify opportunities for
investment and innovation within
HIGHER AMBITIONS | Engaging with our communities and the wider world
96 The members of the taskforce are: Dame Lynne Brindley (Chair), Chief Executive, British Library; Professor Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor, Open University; Steve Beswick,
UK Director of Education, Microsoft; Professor Philip Garrahan, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Sheffield Hallam University; Professor Sharon Huttly, Professor and Dean of Studies,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Sir Alan Langlands, Chief Executive, HEFCE; Mike Munn, Director for Higher Education for UK and Ireland, Apple; Don
Olcott, Chief Executive, The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education; Professor Sir Tim O’Shea, Principal, Edinburgh University and Chair of JISC; Professor Gilly
Salmon, University of Leicester; Professor Rick Trainor, Principal, Kings College London; Kevin Van-Cauter, Higher Education Adviser, British Council; Martin Williams,
Director, Higher Education, BIS; Professor Caroline Gipps, Vice-Chancellor, University of Wolverhampton; Richard Halkett, Director of Strategy and Research, Cisco;
Subroto Mozumdar, President of Higher and Professional Education, Pearson Education Ltd; Aaron Porter, Vice President (Higher Education), National Union of Students;
John Widdowson, Principal, New college Durham and Chair of Mixed Economy Group. Advisor: Judith Nichol, Knowledge Partnerships Manager, BBC
and between universities and
colleges, and with the private
sector, in the development of online
learning, including the building of
critical mass. Through HEFCE the
Government will be prepared to
provide seedcorn funding on a
competitive basis for universityprivate
sector partnerships which
will strengthen our market position.
36 We believe that, in a rapidly
expanding global market, institutions
based here have a unique
opportunity to provide education
in many different forms. The UK’s
advantages in research and teaching
are supported by our established
strengths in both accreditation and
educational publishing. The potential
to develop international education
through partnerships with
broadcasters and internet service
providers is considerable, and in our
view will shape and strengthen the
higher education sector over the
coming decade.

Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Logo

Extract from the report published 4th November 2009


33 The continuing development of e-learning is a vital element in supporting improvement of teaching and the student experience and in enabling the personalisation and flexibility that students and employers expect. We will empower our universities to be world  leaders in the growing market in transnational education based on e-learning.

34 Whilst the performance of our institutions in transnational education and online distance learning is already impressive, we need to build on this to ensure that we remain a global leader. Our aspiration is to ensure that UK courses are the first choice for international students who want to study but who do not want or are unable to travel. We will therefore build on the international reputation of the overall “British Brand” of higher education, and on distance learning at institution level, to ensure our strategic investment in digital higher education supports this existing area of strength.

35 HEFCE have established an impressive taskforce to help take forward the aim of helping UK higher education remain a world leader in online learning and grow its market share by 2015. The Task Force is chaired by Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive of the British Library, with representatives at senior level from the private and public sector, including Microsoft, Apple, the British Council, HEFCE, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), and Universities UK. The BBC has agreed to advise the task force as and when appropriate. The taskforce met for the first time in September 2009.96

It will identify opportunities for investment and innovation within and between universities and colleges, and with the private sector, in the development of online learning, including the building of critical mass. Through HEFCE the Government will be prepared to provide seedcorn funding on a competitive basis for university/private sector partnerships which will strengthen our market position.

36 We believe that, in a rapidly expanding global market, institutions based here have a unique opportunity to provide education in many different forms. The UK’s  advantages in research and teaching are supported by ou established strengths in both accreditation and educational publishing. The potential to develop international education through partnerships with broadcasters and internet service providers is considerable, and in our view will shape and strengthen the higher education sector over the coming decade.

Read the full report (115 pages), or Executive Summary (20 pages) published by the Department for Business, Information and Skills (PDF), and also an interesting blog in response.

By Digital Fingerprint

Digiexplorer (not guru), Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing @ Manchester Metropolitan University. Interested in digital literacy and digital culture  in the third sector (especially faith). Author of 'Raising Children in a Digital Age', regularly checks hashtag #DigitalParenting.

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