Digital Event Life(style)

Review of #medialit

Key Learning Points & Actions

  • Should be important for all to take this, media is so central to our society.
  • Is it OK for all to have wi-fi when many still don’t have water?
  • If you can’t do something really well it’s better not to bother or pay others? If all that means is that noticeboard is smart, etc. and is all can manage, then go with that.
  • Given more confidence to use technology, especially new media.
  • Use simpler new media more effectively – use good values. Make own material that like – not just moan about Rob Bell, but make better.
  • Is it my fault that in The Times that Christians look stupid – so stop blaming the media & engage with existing, and stand up for own thoughts.
  • So many thoughts. Difficult to stay up to date & be savvy, and how naïve we are with broadcast radio/tv media. Would be good to have refreshers to keep people engaged. Need to step back from the computer screen & think what is this really showing/doing – the right tools!!
  • There’s a role for lots of people in our congregations, particularly those who find it difficult to get involved in other areas.  What can others bring to it.
  • Fun, creative & gets juices going. Much of the Church fairly joyless & hard work – how get some of this excitement across to congregations.
  • Preaching, etc.? What connects everyone in this room? Creativity – given by God. Whatever use of media (or any other role in the world) – do it well. Take more risks, leave space to fail!
  • So much creativity in the Christian community…  Politics of the Church tends to lock a lot of that down – so how do we find ways of releasing that?
  • The media is not the Messiah or the Devil.
  • Find different platforms for your own creativity.  All try – at least we’re going somewhere.

David Wilkinson

  • Take more risks…
  • Be honest about failure – breed confidence by honesty! When we get things wrong admit it & don’t try and involve the Holy Spirit as a justification!
  • Find a network of people you can trust & work with on collaborative projects.
  • Theology – so easy to get drawn into the mode of communication, and forget the theological basis for what you’re trying to achieve. Theological support or constraint you might have.  Remember the WHY and the HOW through a theological lens. Paul – justification for missionary movement moving on out..
  • Bringing together media professionals & theologians v. important.
  • What kind of support/encouragement, etc. are you going to offer to those e.g. making radio programmes on Sunday morning – and what are you going to learn from them. Theology & technology – keep it together.
  • God is much bigger than our laptops & there are more questions that just how we interact with media. Every initiative needs to be critiqued through issue of justice. Work out strategically what’s important – accept compromises/balance, but keep asking questions.
  • New Media – give access to information, etc. for both developed/developing nations. Africa – never be cabled, but mobile phone – making a huge difference!  What could you do that would serve the local community where you are? E.g. buying Wii for Friday night clubs, etc.
  • Do we need to take this on the road as a 2-3 day course? Can we identify those who are passionate and can lead this?  General congregation can get involved, but identify those with particular passions.
  • ?
  • How do we see God involved in this? Is media a gift (community, communication, being fully human in community)? Can be a gift that can be corrupted by us so need theological understanding. Similar questions between science/faith – until see science as a gift can’t deal with it theologically.
  • In our richness, how do we share in a way that isn’t patronising, but is liberating. JUSTICE issues… Divide between those who have access to free information, and those who  only have access to advertised information.

The Church and Media Network

  • Media understand Christians better
  • Help Christians understand the media better
  • Support Christians working in the media (
  • Pray for those working in the media?  If you hear them, pray for them – let them know you’re praying for them..


  • Individualism vs community nature of the gospel
  • Christian media vs Christians working in the media (Just say yes if asked to contribute. Sucks the talent out, and takes an “out” for mainstream media as “they have their own space” – mainstream – have to be GREAT to get it out there – so we should aim to be good enough to get on BBC1, rather than putting it on own channel; what about e.g. getting Delirious in the charts, what about e.g. Athlete – band happen to be Christians, but they’re not KNOWN as that. MAKE good TV (not  necessarily “Christian” TV) – maybe you’ll get asked further questions, maybe you won’t.  Do we have to know, do people have to wear a label?
  • How support those who we want to take on roles in the congregation – not “oh, the vicar does it”.  Digitally enabled laity (those who are keen to use, enable them)
  • Where to start in applying it. What are they ALREADY communicating through notice board/their physical presence, the people in it, etc..

You are the light of the world, not you might be.

Use the right TOOL for the job.

New Media vs Old Media – midweek that seemed to be the way… now that divide also seems not to be there…  Don’t be AFRAID, just experiment, take risks, think about the MESSAGE that you have.  Sharing and more COLLABORATIVE seems to be more of the mood that’s coming out..

By Digital Fingerprint

Digiexplorer (not guru), Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing @ Manchester Metropolitan University. Interested in digital literacy and digital culture  in the third sector (especially faith). Author of 'Raising Children in a Digital Age', regularly checks hashtag #DigitalParenting.

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