“Social Media has exploded into everyday life with people sharing a tidal wave of photos, videos, words and audio. It’s no longer a question of whether to get involved in Social Media, but how to.
The Social Media boot camp on Saturday 4 September will explore safely, personally and simply:
• What is Social Media, why is it here and why is it important?
• The main popular tools of Social Media including blogging, Facebook and Twitter
• How you might better use Social Media for your own communication and life
• How your organisations, church, and ministry might engage strategically and meaningfully with Social Media
We’ll be led on the day by two Christians who are experts in Social Media, Dave Merwin of Pure Blue, and Lee Goodger of Edelman.
Read full entry on the LICC site. I’m going to pop along, maybe feed in my tuppence… what about you? And if you find this of interest, what about another event on 16th October?