Event History

Talk: Seeing it through – wartime posters on the Underground @ltmuseum

Tuesday 1 March 2011
London Transport’s war posters used modern design to convey essential information to passengers and staff. Thoughtful passenger behaviour was encouraged in the humorous cartoons of Fougasse and David Langdon. More direct appeals for co-operation, or advice on sheltering and the ‘blackout’ were expressed in easy to read layouts. Other posters celebrated LT’s contribution to the war effort and London’s resilience. Seeing it Through was a series of posters commissioned from Eric Henri Kennington by London  Transport in 1944; they commemorate the everyday acts of heroism by civilian workers during the Second World War. Head Curator David Bownes, and art historian Jonathan Black, discuss London Underground’s poster campaign during the Second World War, from morale boosting propaganda to visions of post war society.
Time: 18.30 (talk lasts approximately one hour)
Tickets: Adults £8.00; senior citizens £6.00; students £4.00

Events Site. I’m guessing much of this material will come from my book chapter, so be interesting to see the angle. I’ve just been given a comp ticket, so I’ll come along and try to remember what I wrote!!

By Second World War Posters

Mass Communications Academic, @MMUBS. British Home Front Propaganda posters as researched for a PhD completed 2004. In 1997, unwittingly wrote the first history of the Keep Calm and Carry On poster, which she now follows with interest.

One reply on “Talk: Seeing it through – wartime posters on the Underground @ltmuseum”

[…] “Seeing it Through”, at the London Transport Museum, was a talk and slideshow about posters designed or commissioned by the London Underground during World War II.  It’s quite a fascinating subject, and I really enjoyed myself.  I think Alex liked it too, although he was not as interested in some of the design aspects.  The speakers were both excellent and well-informed, and I think I’m quite likely to go back next week for another talk! […]

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