Interesting ‘counterintuitive’ assignment set on a course on Media Fluency in a Digital Age:
Finding information that’s not online. Find an article (research journal article, analytic newspaper article, serious magazine article, or scholarly book chapter) that is on the topic of the Internet or new media, but not available (at least, not to you) on the Internet, and acquire a digital copy of that article. In a one-page, single-spaced write-up, document the steps you took to (a) find the article, (b) ensure that it was not available to you online, and (c) find out how to get it offline, (d) digitize it, (e) use optical character recognition software to make your text searchable, and (f) save the file to MyWebSpace and give your TA permission to view it. Paste the full URL of your file at the end of your write-up.
Read the article to find out how the students dealt with this, and how they learnt to appreciate far more what was online, and what was in the library!
Thanks to @batty_towers for pointing in my direction, and as a bonus, my @ww2poster happy button is hit too #KeepCalm!