#ALTC2012 Day 2
Tweets from @digitalfprint from Day 2 of the conference.
Storified by Dr Bex Lewis · Wed, Sep 12 2012 10:11:33
"@drawnalism: <Reading> The words of @digitalfprint who understands the power of images" :-)Digital Fingerprint
HomeFeedback and Assessment for Students with Technology
questions for #fastechUK http://pic.twitter.com/TvoWkhNT — Dr Bex Lewis (@drbexl) #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
Here here! RT @WarwickLanguage: lets see some lurve folks, we all make mistakes #chair controversy #altc2012julievoce
MT @suebecks @microsofteduk: Building successful social networks requires human engagement & good hardware infrastructure #altc2012Lis Parcell
@thomcochrane they do some cool stuff see what Microsoft Research do.. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/collaboration/default.aspx #altc2012Lee Stott
Important not to assume digital interactions are the only valid interactions. #altc2012Sarah Horrigan
Am reminded of lecturer when I was at Uni saying ‘if you haven’t any sensible questions to ask, I’m going’ #micpower #altc2012Sarah Horrigan
RT @fstoner: And I thought it rains a lot in London… #altc2012 // apparently volume in Manchester = same but spread over longer timeDigital Fingerprint
HEFCE report: If current trajectory continues, UK #highered can expect to receive up to £2bn a year from 630,000 donors by 2022. #LoveHEPhil Baty
@suebecks @timbuckteeth you’re talking about @shibby_savvy ;-)Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 check out Microsoft’s social media foundation – http://www.smrfoundation.org/Digital Fingerprint
"impossible to imagine any big event without twitter" via microsoft #altc2012 :)Teresa MacKinnon
@sarahhorrigan oh I do, but I don’t think tweet archivist can – had a look – goes back about 6 mins ;-)Digital Fingerprint
Was interested to see that more Republicans are "crossing the aisle"; data visualisation doesn’t just clarify, can also surprise. #altc2012Guy Pursey
@sarahhorrigan so that’s about 30 seconds of tweets then? #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
Be like the people you admire. Learn to love the grind and do the work.Chris Brogan
“@jiscdigital: Top tip for improving your video is to USE A TRIPOD #altc2012” awesome yet obvious!Lboro Research Staff
#altc2012 betweenness centrality of participants or people who sit between networks – good way of identifying #rhizomatic #learningFred Garnett
@pmphillips should be being live streamed this session – not sure of URL #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
@bobfrombrockley @yishaym I know what to call you now: human super-connectors. That’s what your social graph would say. #altc2012Goldsmiths LEU
Sheila’s work blog » Betweenness Centrality – helping us understand our networks http://blogs.cetis.ac.uk/sheilamacneill/2011/08/30/betweenness-centrality-helping-us-understand-our-networks/ #altc2012 (uses zombies)Martin Hawksey
Greatest change in last 15 years learner-generated content & participatory learning #learninglive next 15 context-shaping #altc2012Fred Garnett
http://www.connectedaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/2007-JOSS-Visualizing-the-Signatures-of-Social-Roles-in-Online-Discussion-Groups.pdf – visualising social roles #altc2012Sarah Horrigan
@pmphillips oh no – this is the biggest learning tech conf in UK … Organising a pretty full time job I think…Digital Fingerprint
MT @georgeroberts have you read David Watson; 8 Category Errors in re HE http://ow.ly/dEquC #altc2012 for @ambrouk @dkernohan #open debateFred Garnett
nodes can demonstrate roles #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/4gBDI4RfDigital Fingerprint
@pmphillips it’s a goodun … Good range of content to take away and think about…Digital Fingerprint
RT @mhawksey: Some of my work in using NodeXL http://mashe.hawksey.info/category/nodexl/ #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
@vickybeeching looking forward to seeing some tweets/blog posts about your conf next 2 days.. Again we geographically so close….Digital Fingerprint
identifying the health of a community #altc2012 – sociologists look at people links – comp scientists at nodes http://pic.twitter.com/UnC2BjVPDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 someone has to pay for the infrastructure underlying social networks, but if no engagement = system collapsesDigital Fingerprint
“@romieh: ‘Silent searcher’ sounds better than ‘lurker’ #altc2012” Still vaguely sinister thoughGill Ferrell
Digital has enabled scales of communication that have never existed before #altc2012Sarah Horrigan
#altc2012 Something I think about a lot is whether online communication is different/better for learning than F2F, or just easier to analyseLindsay Jordan
Like any other system digital communication ecosystems need hosts, managers, researchers and participants #altc2012Sarah Horrigan
5 Smartphones To Rival The iPhone 5 http://zite.to/Sbkoab via @ziteSally
keynote #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/vcyXQKVNDigital Fingerprint
Telltale which allows children to tell digital stories – http://research.microsoft.com/apps/mobile/showpage.aspx?page=/en-us/projects/telltable/ #altc2012Sarah Horrigan
RT @jamesclay: Live stream for this afternoon’s #altc2012 keynote http://bit.ly/Piih3W with Natasa Milic-Frayling of MicrosoftJames Clay
The Uniqurate site with interactive demo is at http://uniqurate.kingston.ac.uk #altc2012Tim Linsey
For those of you that are interested "Augmented Reality in Education" http://augmented-reality-education-estw.eventbrite.com #aLTC2012farzanalatif
Knitting takes time to learn. It takes perseverance and practice. #altc2012Cath Ellis
#altc2012 another tool / Socrative – http://timoelliott.com/blog/powerpoint-twitter-toolsDigital Fingerprint
Key messages from @ambrouk at #altc2012 #open session http://pic.twitter.com/R62wR9qsRose Heaney
@cathellis13 Oh! I’d be too!! I wrote a post recently how knitters taught me more about social learning!! #altc2012 http://activatelearning.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/what-i-learned-about-social-learning-came-from-knitters/Helen Blunden
@digitalfprint It’s the SAP/Twitter/Powerpoint ‘thing’ http://timoelliott.com/blog/powerpoint-twitter-tools #altc2012David Hopkins
#altc2012 Traxler: "last 10 yrs of mlearning research doesn’t actually tell us much about the next 10 yrs"Tim Vincent
MMU made its VLE decision-making public. Little dated now but workshop suggests this could be of interest to #altc2012 http://lrt.mmu.ac.ukMark Stubbs
trying to remember what this app is called #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/YqlLnEzxDigital Fingerprint
I see there is a hashtag of #altc1012 at #altc2012 I’m looking forward to the session "Feudalism – how it can work for your institution"Robin Gissing
"How will we know when e-learning has fully become part of the mainstream?" When we just call it learning! #altc2012Rob
#altc2012 students liked Quizdom – looked like ‘proper tool’ but after initial resistance, Twitter got more talk/defence of POView..Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 used a mix of Quizdom & votebytweet for student responses – http://timoelliott.com/blog/powerpoint-twitter-toolsDigital Fingerprint
(RT) Top 10 TED Talks from Inspiring Teachers – Educational Technology and New Pedagogies via @eddebainbridge | … http://awe.sm/j2CiXluv_top10
Calls open for @Seda_UK_ Spring Teaching Learning & Assessment Conference 2013: Changing Values in Higher Education http://www.seda.ac.u
k/index.php?p=14_2&e=437Sue Beckingham
k/index.php?p=14_2&e=437Sue Beckingham
RT @_KirstenT: Social media policy in HE proceedings paper http://altc2012.alt.ac.uk/talks/28145 #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 conference proceedings http://ow.ly/dw57R [PDF file]Rich Goodman
#altc2012 – Facebook groups etc – already able to ask students their learning aims etc b4 course starts… http://pic.twitter.com/ckA6eKErDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 students given opportunity to use any (technology) they wanted – any length, etc – presentations 3-5 mins 2 group…Digital Fingerprint
Developing a Co-Learning Open Community using a 360° Social Feedback Model by @suebecks @SueBamford http://www.slideshare.net/suebeckingham/developing-a-colearning-open-community-using-a-360-social-feedback-model #altc2012Sue Beckingham
#altc2012 thanks @deborahjudah – looking forward to seeing refs on Slideshare ;-)Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 more engagement with visual – can take eg a pic & then reflect in own time/space (emotions/feelings – private)Digital Fingerprint
What kind of digital researcher are you?Try Exeter’s researcher quiz http://bit.ly/researcherquiz #altc2012Lboro Research Staff
#altc2012 mobile devices are powerful in telling stories… Capture images, audio, story, etc. on the go… #mustdomore for #digidiscipleDigital Fingerprint
@jamesclay @suebecks I think I caught all the app links – will do another ‘lazy Storify’ at end of day #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
RT @tundeva: #altc2012 picture reflects 1000words session, dig storytelling to help medical students reflect, Leeds jisc project // dittoDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 in session 210 about social media worth checking out 4Cs of online participation http://blog.core-ed.org/derek/2006/11/participation_online_the_four_.html and B J Fogg’s workBen Scoble
Hove #SocialMediaSurgery 6-8pm Today 12/09 @hovekitchen http://socialmediasurgery.com/surgeries/hove helping local charity and community groups use the web #bhsmsClem
Openness in HE – http://www.slideshare.net/jisc/amberthomas-openness-he #altc2012LearnTech @ UoN
storytelling #altc2012 [also theme of #cnmac12 in October] http://pic.twitter.com/5sQMUh1DDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 this session really looking at embedding reflection into teaching practiceDigital Fingerprint
what a picture #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/yWdfQUggDigital Fingerprint
Check out jamesclay on @justintv http://www.justin.tv/jamesclay #ALTC2012Ronald Arendse
RT @WarwickLanguage: RT @sarahhorrigan: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/documents/nss/nss_assessment_and_feedback_issues.pdf gets a mention #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 blogs are private/to group – real community – sharing what finding difficult etc & encourage each other…Digital Fingerprint
RT @jisccetis: Eric Mazur – Confusion is Good http://dlvr.it/2859rd #altc2012Martin Hawksey
If you can’t be at #bbcrethink you can watch sections of it online here from 2pm today: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/0/19561565Vicky Beeching
RT @digitalfprint: Seeking to improve NSS Scores in Assessment and Feedback utilising Technological Solutions #ALTC2012 http://p.ost.im/p/dYKLdUDigital Fingerprint
Seeking to improve NSS Scores in Assessment and Feedback utilising Technological Solutions #ALTC2012You are here: Home / Speaker / Seeking to improve NSS Scores in Assessment and Feedback utilising Technological Solutions #ALTC2012 Septe…
@PatParslow was that your 5 minutes?Digital Fingerprint
to go & look up more info #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/68aZvI7eDigital Fingerprint
The Digital Fingerprint Daily is out! http://bit.ly/8Xcm9r ? Top stories today via @helenbeethamDigital Fingerprint
@ela1negarc1a does it need to replicate? Does it not give opportunities to do differently? #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 @suebecks used a range of tools with students esp Skype – group taught each other how to use itDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 took time at the end of each module to talk about how would use what learned in next module #feedbackDigital Fingerprint
recognising & labelling types of feedback #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/RYdBFLoyDigital Fingerprint
Can deep learning be achieved through online means? Effectiveness and efficiency discussions #ALTC2012Elaine Garcia
#altc2012 feedback from other students – quicker feedback, and not seeing the tutor as ‘what’s right’ @SueBamfordDigital Fingerprint
As he did last year, @thomcochrane practices as he preaches. Demo of mobile app crashed. #mlearning failures #altc2012 https://www.evernote.com/shard/s26/sh/6a1d54d9-23e1-4a69-8040-d946bf2cfaca/3954962398d41d110921dc295336f9d0Steven Verjans
feedback from students #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/UKwg0dQBDigital Fingerprint
@askawild #altc2012 Some resources on getting started with OER: https://sites.google.com/site/technologyenhancedlearning/home/academic-portfolio/oer-signposts-tools-techniques-for-getting-started :)Paul Andrews
#altc2012 main question re #fastechuk – for purposes of NSS what do students recognise as ‘feedback’ & 3 areas ID’d = top issuesDigital Fingerprint
360 degree feedback model @suebecks @suebamford #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/Yu22cQnnDigital Fingerprint
great coloured slides with @suebecks & @suebamford #altc2012 http://pic.twitter.com/Yo4St2x8Digital Fingerprint
@ESTSASS @suebecks looking forward to that – thanks…Digital Fingerprint
@suebecks @digitalfprint we have a psy academic do some research into student perception and NSS. Don’t think he’s published yet, will shareEducation Support
As a historian who looked at myth making @digitalfprint saying whatever think of NSS perception is as important as reality = imp #altc2012Sue Beckingham
.@digitalfprint now talking about FASTECH which is a JISC-funded project http://fastech.ac.uk/ #altc2012Sue Beckingham
The TESEP Approach: transforming & enhancing the student exp thru pedagogy by @smythkrs http://www2.napier.ac.uk/transform/Transcripts/TESEP_3E_Approach.pdf #altc2012 h/t @mhawkseySue Beckingham
#altc2012 a pen that’s about £250… But holds about 140 pages of writing – Destiny PenDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 wow – the system gets the user to verify that the user knows what they are signing not just when signed…Digital Fingerprint
RT @geordie_online Google launches a tool to create online courses http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Edudemic/~3/DiA71DFe6O8/ #Altc2012Bob Harrison
#altc2012 Tony recommending this system … And Acrobat digital signatures = lots guidance http://lockerz.com/s/243628590Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 – compromise system http://pic.twitter.com/2PO8LvDjDigital Fingerprint
database of educational mobile apps http://emergingtech.tbr.edu/ #altc2012 < only briefly looked atMartin Hawksey
Digital literacy is necessarily concerned with values. Agree totally with @helenbeetham here #altc2012David Kernohan
#altc2012 the banking world etc has used digital signatures for years … But realistic slow change so found hybrid system – digital penDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 Joomla based system – series of forms – edit, submit, triggers a series of other actions… Print output identical to beforeDigital Fingerprint
Effectiveness and efficiency: can technology really deliver both in assessment and feedback? #altc2012 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/assessmentandfeedbackLisa Gray
#altc2012 European laws for work based learning still require ‘wet signatures’ = huge paperwork. Finding digisignatures…Digital Fingerprint
prof tony toole #altc2012 – ongoing JISC funded project http://pic.twitter.com/7wn4esIIDigital Fingerprint
Seeking to improve NSS Scores in Assessment and
Feedback utilising Technological Solutions #ALTC2012 http://p.ost.im/p/dYKLdUDigital Fingerprint
Feedback utilising Technological Solutions #ALTC2012 http://p.ost.im/p/dYKLdUDigital Fingerprint
Mo and Martin have just presented a pechakucha on lecture capture #altc2012 The full report can be found here http://estsass.co.uk/2012/09/10/lecture-capture-pilot-project-report/Education Support
#altc2012 remember to check out the weekly app review by @jamesclay http://elearningstuff.net/app-of-the-week/Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 side by side app suggested in another session… http://lockerz.com/s/243621577Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 Gilly Salmon suggesting working with ‘capacity’ of staff rather than staff development. Using Carpe DiemS Huskinson
RT @drbexl: #ALTC2012 Day 1 http://sfy.co/f8fR #storify #altc2012 #edtech // an example of a simple StorifyDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 Delicious or Diigo for sharing … Or blogging to help you think? What about Storify for easily sharing links…Digital Fingerprint
Using free Side by side to app have two windows open at same time on iPad at #altc2012. New to this app but looking useful so far.Sue Bamford
#altc2012 snapseed looks like good photo app… Pics can then be shared on instagram http://lockerz.com/s/243620070Digital Fingerprint
@vickybeeching u don’t happen to be getting the 742ish back to durham tomorrow eve do you from Manch picc? ;-)Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 Photosynth – 3d photography… http://lockerz.com/s/243618822Digital Fingerprint
@vahva lol – they are on that board twice now ;-)Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 having a look at Learnist – seen described as Pinterest for education … http://lockerz.com/s/243618362Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 flipboard also useful for sharing back across other social networks says @jamesclayDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 flipboard … Social magazine – what are you interested in? What have others curated? http://lockerz.com/s/243617532Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 this looks worth £3 for truly paperless meetings – with tabbed files etc…. http://lockerz.com/s/243617098Digital Fingerprint
As ever "horses for courses" is the answer to earlier question about #Moodle v #FB groups #altc2012Rose Heaney
#altc2012 can tell we’re trending again – the spam has started up again – if each of us could block a couple…. http://lockerz.com/s/243616391Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 I definitely must get the hang of iMovie … Students can use to introduce themselves as ‘trailers’Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 …l I use http://do.com which does similar for free… http://lockerz.com/s/243615895Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 ‘things’ £14 – looks pretty useful but… http://lockerz.com/s/243615840Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 AudioNote – audio record but make notes so you can find the right section again… http://lockerz.com/s/243615703Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 another app… http://lockerz.com/s/243615624Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 animoog, virtuoso piano & metronome – music appsDigital Fingerprint
#altc2012 iPad 3 has lots of built in accessibility/voice features which my 1 definitely doesn’t have…Digital Fingerprint
RT @digitalfprint: Check out jotnot-pro – captures image & squares/flattens it http://www.macworld.com/article/1152402/voice_memos.html #altc2012Digital Fingerprint
Surely a real challenge for technology being the ‘mainstream’ in HE is the academics catching up with the students…..#altc1012Helen Heywood
Check out jotnot-pro – captures image & squares/flattens it http://www.macworld.com/article/1152402/voice_memos.html #altc1012Digital Fingerprint
in the future you won’t need an app for augmented reality – it will be available in your browser #altc2012Alannah Fitzgerald
@tim_hutchings @drbexl idea is to filter advice & then recommend right things to right people – or was trying at Wnch!Digital Fingerprint
@tim_hutchings @drbexl wrong attitude Tim – the tools can make WHAT you teach more effective … & more accessible!Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 tune pal http://www.macworld.com/article/1152402/voice_memos.html & shazam – v useful for finding out what music is…Digital Fingerprint
#altc2012 http://www.macworld.com/article/1152402/voice_memos.html – voice memos – useful for learning traditional music – learn by ear…Digital Fingerprint
@tim_hutchings @drbexl mahoosive conference – trending 1/2 in UK yesterday 😉 lots of helpful info…Digital Fingerprint
RT @jamesclay: Class of 2012 #altc2012 @ University Place http://instagr.am/p/Pd9iIXR7Mr/ // excellent – more details on InstagramDigital Fingerprint
Cardmunch – have a pile of business cards to work with – must use #altc2012 http://lockerz.com/s/243611279Digital Fingerprint
App 2 – IMO – work on all chat platforms – can be visible on some & not others #altc2012 http://lockerz.com/s/243611210Digital Fingerprint
show & tell with @jamesclay #altc2012 … starting with Evernote … can take audio/hand written/synced http://pic.twitter.com/HqYuDrzsDigital Fingerprint
#ALTC2012: Storify: Day 1 http://p.ost.im/p/dYBjWQDigital Fingerprint
Buying Twitter Followers and Facebook Likes, a Social Media #Fail [INFOGRAPHIC] http://fb.me/1RfFR6RsKDigital Fingerprint