Digital Event

#CMN12: Day 1

#CMN12 Day 1

A great first day at the Church and Media Network Conference, held at MediaCityUK, Salford Quays. As usual, this will mostly pull from my tweets, and Retweets, from the day (aka, my notes).

Storified by Dr Bex Lewis · Mon, Sep 24 2012 15:35:25

Church and Media Network : The Church and Media ConferenceCMN is a bridge between the church and the media. We help the media and the church understand each other. We offer help to media producti…
Thank you so much to Geoffrey Clarke, or URC, who gave me a lift back to Burnage… no need to negotiate the evening trams! #cmn12Dr Bex Lewis
Stewart Henderson #cmn12 Bex Lewis
conference dinner at #cmn12 Fingerprint
#cmn12 ethics are never imposed but need to come from the base … Digital media is here to stay – we must engageDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 wealth of common voices that haven’t been heard before need to be brought to table says @pmphillipsDigital Fingerprint
#CMN12 Twitter has changed journalist job in digital space – no longer can just write to deadline, have to engage much more frequentlyDigital Fingerprint
CODEC International Symposium on Values in Social Media at Durham Uni this Friday #cmn12pmphillips
RT @catherinecronin: Feedback which engages, promotes learning – great post & video by @drdjwalker: Fingerprint
Has journalism ever been free of spin? Goes right back to ancient rhetoric – perhaps never was a golden age of pre-digital truth #cmn12pmphillips
Jaquie Hughes: Who can you trust in a chaotic digital world? #cmn12 – hope there is going to be a positive view too…pmphillips
RT @nickpollard: Jacquie Hughes at #cmn12 "with citizen journalism speed trumps verification"Digital Fingerprint
@Partakers_Dave lots of people need a lot of help with it… With encouragement ;-)Digital Fingerprint
@noahsapprentice at least get people thinking about that .. Can’t happen in a day if unclear …Digital Fingerprint
@noahsapprentice it’s part of what I try to do in workshops … Understand who you are/what you stand for & can translate in any form #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 @JacandJon – good quality journalism leads to a more informed populace. // can live with that but do people get space for quality?Digital Fingerprint
In Harry pics debate at #cmn12 good point made that no need for pics to be on front page. Could have been inside.Shows it was sales led moveJoe Ware
#cmn12 listen to – define your values & then hang your hat on them in ANY media. amenDigital Fingerprint
@Gillmck3 thanks for speed networking session … Look forward to chatting to you more #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
@digitalfprint the photo it also appeared in the @churchtimes when it reprinted Sun front page for media review. #CMN12Gavin Drake
#cmn12 news from Twitter – if you work on who you follow – more balanced than just reading one newspaper..Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 what decision processes do editors have to go through before publishing in a newspaper?Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 my question was was it appropriate for the picture to be here on conference table … Did I need to see it for point to be made?Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 quite a lot of people comparing Kate/Harry pics… For some reason people still insist on calling her K Middleton!!Digital Fingerprint
@dajbelshaw LOL … You making up for it now though ya think…Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 complicated questions related to whether the Prince Harry naked pictures should have been published or not?Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 always good debate generated by @andrewgraystone – best speakers open up questions to think through own responses..Digital Fingerprint
@Kristine3108 @georgeluke @theMediaNet much much harder to build a following – often need a ‘lucky break’, piggyback on ‘known’ brands…Digital Fingerprint
@Kristine3108 guess proof will be in the pudding at end of year… ;-)Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 had deliberately not looked at the naked pic of Prince Harry … Bums… Can be seen!Digital Fingerprint
@Kristine3108 @georgeluke @theMediaNet a lot of newspaper based blogs get a lot of traffic – as well as others.. #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
@Kristine3108 found out their starting point, going to their 3 x. Year meetings & shortly will be webinars…Digital Fingerprint
Re Twitter self defining : surely reading same paper daily could be construed to be the same? Small set of journos speaking daily..? #cmn12Tim Finch
@JamesPrescott77 @russbravo // many on Twitter at last election thought would be a runway victory for LibDems … Wrong news source #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
@vickybeeching @ChrisBryantMP "the danger of newspapers is you only get the news from the paper you choose to read." #cmn12Steve Lawson
Interesting point @chrisbryantmp – Twitter too much about self. Mix up followers. Follow others not just those who agree w/ you. #cmn12pmphillips
@russbravo don’t forget he suggested follow those who are outside that ‘world’ #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
@vickybeeching @ChrisBryantMP don’t forget he offered a (partial?) solution too 😉 #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 that is v true – @chrisbryantMp – Twitter can offer a self-perpetuating view – make deliberate effort to follow ‘think differently’Digital Fingerprint
@timbald @Kristine3108 @ruthmcgarahan oh dear… I read that editing as ‘between sheets’ then remembered had seen broadsheets!!Digital Fingerprint
@Kristine3108 am currently working on JISC project trying to get some senior staff more #digilit … #slowlyslowlyDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 #richpeppiat – page 3 = archaic. Problem with all tabloids .. Archaic content.. Not just about ‘free news, online.Digital Fingerprint
@Kristine3108 what was the academic topic? I go to learning tech confs – we tweeted so much we trended in UK for 2 daysDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 good question @theoselizabeth ;-)Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 sex drives a lot of development of the Internet… Read more at Fingerprint
Really appreciating the refreshing frankness of @richpeppiatt and @chrisbryantmp talking about media at #cmn12Tony Lobl
#cmn12 @chrisbryantMp telling us what it’s like to have your phone hacked – wondering which of his friends had leaked storiesDigital Fingerprint
Former @daily_star hack Richard Peppiatt questions why celeb gossip is described as #journalism at #cmn12 Spot on.Joe Ware
Discussing the future of journalism in regards to the Leveson Inquiry at The Church and Media Conference. Och! #cmn12 Haley
Evolve or die. There will always be a demand, but methods, models and products will always change #richardpeppiatt #cmn12russ bravo
RT @mattbuck_hack: .@digitalfprint @domponsford has written a good piece about problems with it –> Fingerprint
#cmn12 @ChrisBryantMP uses Twitter to get his news – look at 4-5 different sources to get a good idea of a story …Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 mentioning the £2 month levy for news on websites… Not sure fair that pre-existing news outlets get underwritten?Digital Fingerprint
Chris Bryant-we need to redefine ‘pu
blic interest’ if we are to improve journalism #cmn12theMediaNet
#cmn12 nice one @richpeppiat – let’s not have a race to the bottom – just because can write whatever on blogs … Not same 4 newspapersDigital Fingerprint
@Chrishallnewb I RT things – often to share voices & also sometimes I do a Storify of all my tweets/RTs … My notes taken #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
@Chrishallnewb @jonacuff nothing to be guilty about … Love fact that Twitter different personality types come out, allow many voices..Digital Fingerprint
Chris Bryant MP thinks the Murdochs may end up in prison after investigations into media ethics is done and dusted. #cmn12 #hackingJoe Ware
Currently @AndrewGraystone = chairing questions to panel members @richpeppiatt & @ChrisBryantMP re: media ethics #cmn12 Beeching
RT @Digitalnun: Judging by the #cmn12 twitterstream, those of us who aren’t there are missing some good talks. #sinofenvy // ;-)Digital Fingerprint
.. @russbravo why are lawyers paid so much is one of my big wonders… #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 after Leveson – should be ‘redress’, need more no win/no fee, gave Murdoch too much power … Says Chris BryantDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 need to talk about how live with the tools that exist – they ARE here … Every type of media has its up&downsides …Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 feels a bit like Chris Bryant ‘blaming’ media for increased prurience … Though also led to decreased judgemental ismDigital Fingerprint
RT @Chrishallnewb: Digital media means it is v hard to hide your past says Chris Bryant MP #cmn12 // accept the norm for all of usDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 may have to plug my phone in … Trying to work out what I’ve been doing to kill my battery // working on iPad!!Digital Fingerprint
@eChurchBlog know that feeling – waiting a new broadband connection – have a 3 wifi – sometimes works, but need something more stable!!Digital Fingerprint
Some journalists are first to accuse others of hypocrisy, yet maybe are unwilling to look at themselves. #cmn12 #chrisbryantMPruss bravo
@eChurchBlog hard times ;-(Digital Fingerprint
@eChurchBlog have you read any of the tweets – giving you any clue? #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 turning to Wikipedia for more information on Chris Bryant now speaking Fingerprint
@CathButcher @giles_fraser Nah. CofE Comms has become keeping Giles off Rowan and everyone else’s back 🙂 Sorry cant be there. #cmn12Arun Arora
@richardlittleda @Giles_fraser @drbexl Both! Apostle Paul 1st broadcast then dialogued with interested parties while others listened #cmn12Peter Saunders
#cmn12 there’s a difference between telling the truth – legally or morally, and ‘not lying’Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 the Harry & Kate pictures – how can decisions of right/wrong be made based on geographical jurisdiction?Digital Fingerprint
The lies of a newspaper in London can get a guy’s head kicked in in Bradford #richardpeppiatt #cmn12theMediaNet
@richardlittleda @Giles_Fraser helps if people understand ‘rules of conversation’? Eg understanding how best to comms"?Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 great introduction to Rich Peppiatt – – tabloids – how do we treat truth in the press?Digital Fingerprint
@richardlittleda @Giles_fraser @drbexl #cmn12 – I’d love to think it was conversation – how do we ensure people know who to listen toDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 the Levenson enquiry is but the start of changes … If we care about the media we need to ensure our voices are heard…Digital Fingerprint
Almost total silence of faith communities on media issues. Why? Media is struggling to find a new ethic and what to build it on. #cmn12russ bravo
@theMediaNet @RevTonyMiles @giles_fraser Gospel is offensive, but we have robbed it of its teeth in the name of contextualisation #cmn12Richard Littledale
Bishops are asked to live out proclamation of the gospel and be prophetic, not be kindly managers #cmn12 #gilesfraserruss bravo
@richardlittleda think is referring to ‘THE Church’ – not that I’m sure that what that is is clear… #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
RT @russbravo: Base of CofE is so diverse, there is almost nothing you can say that won’t upset someone. #gilesfraser #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
@vickybeeching part reason for @bigbible – big fundamentalist churches do social media well, let’s get wider range voices online #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 church has become over-beaurocratised … not recognisable from freedoms available in the gospelDigital Fingerprint
The world of the parish priest is often much bigger than the world of the media, with it’s short-termism and refusal to engage #cmn12russ bravo
#cmn12 hear hear – the media is NOT something that the church needs to be protected from, but to be engaged with …Digital Fingerprint
"You will often be misrepresented, but unless we take that risk, we die in a different way – we die from irrelevance." @giles_fraser #cmn12Emma Boyd
#cmn12 "Job of so many comms depts in church has become to keep media off our back rather than engage with it positively" Giles Frasernickpollard
#cmn12 Was reminded of this book that I have read cover to cover (a true accolade ;-)) – Fingerprint
RT @networkea1: #cmn12 "forced into irrelevance by a lack of voice" Giles Fraser // church needs to learn to speak up … Preferably well..Digital Fingerprint
@vickybeeching Engaging with people is the church’s business, and if it takes the media to do it, then we should not fear. #cmn12Richard Littledale
Church of England invented the ‘Big Tent’ philosophy. Bring as many people together as possible. Hence bishops’ reticence to speak #cmn12russ bravo
@vickybeeching of course Clare Rayner is someone to aspire to 😉 #cmn12 we need to do it as well as poss, but not be put off engagingDigital Fingerprint
@vickybeeching think u know what I think? #cmn12 Clare Rayner once said ‘if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing’ …Digital Fingerprint
Do you think the Church should be keen to engage with media, or shy away from it to avoid misrepresentation? What do u think Tweeple? #cmn12Vicky Beeching
#cmn12 very impressed at lack of notes by @giles_fraser … Clearly passionate about what he talking about…Digital Fingerprint
Hope everyone has a great time at #cmn12. I went to #cmn10 in the academy. Excellent training from all the team thereSam Pratt
#cmn12 it’s ok to talk about religion, politics & sex at dinner parties – because they’re topics people are passionate about?Digital Fingerprint
English Civil War brutalised the nation. Religion that came after it was to be mistrusted if it was passionate. #cmn12russ bravo
@danny_webster I’ll probably Storify at end of day ;-)Digital Fingerprint
Hiding behind spin doctors and lawyers was partly why #occupy was such a PR disaster for St Paul’s says Giles Fraser at #cmn12Joe Ware
“The Church is so afraid of media, so defensive, as if it has a target on its back all the time. Why?” asks @giles_fraser #cmn12Vicky Beeching
"The fear of the media can distort the way church works and deliberates" says @giles_fraser #cmn12Jennifer Walters
@Hels_Bels_1 excellent ;-)Digital Fingerprint
@Digitalnun hey bigsis, we’ll try and keep you in the loop for #cmn12 ;-)Dr Bex Lewis
@danny_webster you not planning to enjoy at a distance 😉 #cmn12Digital Fingerprint
Bishops can’t say anything interesting to the media because
they’re afraid – and maybe they’re right to be so #gilesfraser #cmn12russ bravo
#cmn12 work it out what it is you believe/what you stand for, and then work out how best to transmit that message .. amen!Digital Fingerprint
#cmn12 interesting @giles_fraser found himself ‘leading the peasant’s revolt’ at St Paul’s because of the way of the media is representedDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 be great to network whilst being part of the academy. I have a passion for people, podcast/ radio, digital media & Children’s workHelen Nicholls
@richardlittleda @Giles_fraser @drbexl Both! Apostle Paul 1st broadcast then dialogued with interested parties while others listened #cmn12Peter Saunders
@richardlittleda @Giles_fraser @drbexl #cmn12 – I’d love to think it was conversation – how do we ensure people know who to listen toDigital Fingerprint
#cmn12 @Giles_fraser @drbexl Is broadcast or conversation a more biblical model for gospel sharing, I wonder?Richard Littledale
@drbexl I keep wanting to reach over and eat some but too far away on my table!Helen Nicholls
@drbexl Don’t eat the black ones Doc! Liquorice has to be bad for you. It tastes so much like medicine. :-)Ron Willoughby
@drbexl Alas….earwax @richardlittledaAlastair McCollum
@richardlittleda I knew exactly what you talking about … No wish for a bogey flavoured bean here!!!Dr Bex Lewis
@drbexl Be careful – they might be "Bertie Botts every flavour beans" #obscurepotterrelatedtweetRichard Littledale
@drbexl helps maintain your focusC Noble-McLean
I have a bit of an addiction for jelly beans #cmn12 Bex Lewis
first formal session of #cmn12 .. liking the table layout rather than rows… Fingerprint
@WomaninLondon @drbexl no as I’m on my way there!C Noble-McLean
@charmainenm @drbexl Couldn’t you have said that rather that tweet it? Ha ha! #CMN12Maria Rodrigues-Toth
@drbexl just behind you Bex!C Noble-McLean
I’m at The Lowry w/ @drbexl Nicholls
I got chocolate #cmn12 Bex Lewis
found a new toy already #cmn12 Fingerprint
In Salford’s Media City for Church & Media conference. Weather flash: there’s a SERIOUS amount of rain here. #cmn12Gill McKinnon
@wood5y To work fairly it would *have* to include hyperlocal & bloggers – anyone contributing to News – can’t see that! @paulmorriss @drbexlPaul Webster
RT @wood5y: @watfordgap @paulmorriss @drbexl does any business/profession have an automatic right to survival? Thought not. :)Dr Bex Lewis
RT @paulmorriss: @watfordgap @wood5y @drbexl I like the first comment "A £2-a-month levy on automobiles could save our horse and cart bu …Dr Bex Lewis
RT @wood5y: A broadband levy to fund journalism? Now that’s a very clever idea (@drbexl) <would community news get too?Paul Webster
RT @TechZader: A broadband levy to fund journalism? Now that’s a very clever idea via @GuardianTechDigital Fingerprint

By Digital Fingerprint

Digiexplorer (not guru), Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing @ Manchester Metropolitan University. Interested in digital literacy and digital culture  in the third sector (especially faith). Author of 'Raising Children in a Digital Age', regularly checks hashtag #DigitalParenting.

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