
#AdventBookClub: Day 5

Staying Close to God: (from an interview in Liguorian Magazine, October 1992)

Interesting. Control what you take in every day. Having seen this blog post this morning, already have interesting ideas swirling around my head – always been my passion to be master of my technology, rather than have it be master of me – and taking time out from technology (or using technology differently) is also important. In many ways we have MORE control about what we see through out technology (bought up in a Brethren church we weren’t allowed a TV because of ‘bad messages’ coming from it or some such, and I never understood why not, as it has an OFF button) – although obviously we “pay” for much of the free services that we have through advertising etc and have little control over what/which we see. (Why I love history – shows that so many concerns/questions are recurring – e.g. looked at VD posters for PhD – in WW2, this was the first time that these came out of the toilets onto public display and a vocal minority were worried “Concerns, proved correct by the questionnaire respondent on page 222, were that children and young people would get a distorted view of sex, or that parents would have answer awkward questions.”

Nouwen says “It’s not a question of pushing bad things out but a question of holding on to something really good.”

He also advises having a “prayer on your lips wherever you go” – if you’re getting impatient in a queue, take the focus off yourself, and pray for e.g. the cashier who is trying to keep up! Nice!

Pray Always: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

Having watched so many debates degenerating online recently – particularly about #womenbishops & the UCCF story (not allowing women speakers) recently, a beautiful reminder “Live in peace with each other.”. This does not mean we have to agree with each other or stay silent, but be gracious… I liked this tweet from Martin Saunders

Although still debating what I think of his recommendation of:

Did you wish you could control taking that in?

“Always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.” and “give thanks in all circumstances”.

Prayer: A heart that overflows with gratitude … to wash away all worries. [Tears often give an opportunity to release fears that are bogged down – and an opportunity to discuss with others… thanks Cranmer Crew last night]

Advent Action: Be generous in your prayer for others and their well-being. Sara B has #trainprayer – wonder if I can find a particular spot like that … I usually have about 5 minutes on the bus!!

Now off to see what Pam’s said about today…

By admin

Dr Bex Lewis is passionate about helping people engage with the digital world in a positive way, where she has more than 20 years’ experience. She is Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University and Visiting Research Fellow at St John’s College, Durham University, with a particular interest in digital culture, persuasion and attitudinal change, especially how this affects the third sector, including faith organisations, and, after her breast cancer diagnosis in 2017, has started to research social media and cancer. Trained as a mass communications historian, she has written the original history of the poster Keep Calm and Carry On: The Truth Behind the Poster (Imperial War Museum, 2017), drawing upon her PhD research. She is Director of social media consultancy Digital Fingerprint, and author of Raising Children in a Digital Age: Enjoying the Best, Avoiding the Worst  (Lion Hudson, 2014; second edition in process) as well as a number of book chapters, and regularly judges digital awards. She has a strong media presence, with her expertise featured in a wide range of publications and programmes, including national, international and specialist TV, radio and press, and can be found all over social media, typically as @drbexl.

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