Temptation to Power: (from In the Name of Jesus)
It’s been a long day, bed is overdue, but I want to look at today’s (well, yesterday) material…
We are frail human beings .. and so many give into the temptation of power .. not always obvious sorts of power. Chasing celebrity maybe? It’s a debate that sometimes goes on in my head … we need good spokespeople for the church/Jesus, but how do we ensure that those people are well-informed, in touch with a wide range of opinions, and don’t get lost in a climb to power. Similar arguments could apply to chasing qualifications…
But the image I’ve found offers to fill us with power… but I guess not power focused on self…
Imitate Christ’s Humility: Philippians 2:4-8
The verse challenges us to look at: the interests of others, emptied self, took form of slave, humbled, obedient, gave to death .. what do we consider comes anything close?
Prayer: Humility – allows us to find God – pride blocks us – blocks our true freedom…
Advent Action: Interesting challenge – give up trying to control others. Not sure that’s something I have a huge problem with… more interested in encouraging …
Now… what did Pam say…?