Digital Speaker

#MethChap Storify


Methodist Chaplain’s away days … "Chaplaincy in a Digital Age". A simple cut & paste of tweets!

Storified by Dr Bex Lewis· Tue, Jan 29 2013 00:06:53

RT @pmphillips: Digital Culture and #methchap #codec: via @youtube” – in case you missed it last night…Shaun Turner
Digital Culture and #methchap #codec: via @youtube” – in case you missed it last night…pmphillips
Off 2 BBC Broadcastin Hse 2day with #chaplains #methchapISR_matt
RT @pmphillips: #methchap @bigbible: via @youtubeDigital Fingerprint #methchap @bigbible: via @youtubepmphillips
We finish with the prayer by @digitalnun #methchapDigital Fingerprint
RT @DebBorrett: #methchap @drbexl has provided such great online resources for us to access 🙂 Thanks! // thanksDr Bex Lewis
RT @DebBorrett: #methchap it’s not so hard once you get into itDigital Fingerprint
RT @ISR_matt: @digitalfprint really thought provoking seminar #methchap // thanksDigital Fingerprint
Not very impressed with the Vimeo quality of the powerpoint video. Trying again on Youtube #methchap #bitofanovicewithdigitalstuffpmphillips
RT @digitalfprint: Informality goes alongside formality #methchap … @pmphillips used to say alongside, but now thinks supplants…Muriel Sowden
RT @digitalfprint: Great use of Twitter – workplace chaplains saying where they are – so people can come and chat to them #methchapISR_matt
#methchap it’s not so hard once you get into itDeb Borrett
@digitalfprint really thought provoking seminar #methchapISR_matt
Tweeting is such fun #methchappmphillips
RT @digitalfprint: If you are wearing spex, you are a cyborg, as you’re using technology to enhance your physical being #methchapISR_matt
#methchap @drbexl has provided such great online resources for us to access 🙂 Thanks!Deb Borrett
Social Media Masterclass for Methodist Chaplains #MethChapYou are here: Home / Speaker / Social Media Masterclass for Methodist Chaplains #MethChap January 28, 2013 A session as part of a whole d…
now there’s a challenge @pmphillips @AndrewGraystone #methchapDeb Borrett
Could listen to @pmphillips all night. Better still, would like to read his book on digital culture – if only he would write it. #methchapAndrew Graystone
Totally missed this one by @pontifex the other day – it’s not virtual, it’s real … that’s my line 🙂 #methchapDr Bex Lewis
Totally missed this one by @pontifex the other day – it’s not virtual, it’s real … that’s my line 🙂 #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Totally missed this one by @pontifex the other day – it’s not virtual, it’s real … that’s my line 🙂 #methchapThe BigBible Project
Thinking @andrewgraystone that an early slide of mine fits cyborg theme #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Giving a shout out to @vickybeeching from #GB12: – @pmphillips at #methchapDigital Fingerprint
@pmphillips Who are you calling a cyborg?! #methchapAndrew Graystone
If you are wearing spex, you are a cyborg, as you’re using technology to enhance your physical being #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Talking about technology as an extension of self – e.g. bike – use legs to extend distance, microphone – voice, etc.. #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Positive voices #methchap: Tapscott, Heidi Campbell, Stephen Johnson, Shane Hipps …Digital Fingerprint
Each tweet, etc potentially shapes who we are //// is that bad? #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Social Media Masterclass for Methodist Chaplains #MethChap Fingerprint
It all depends on the quality of the sermon, not the quality of our attention span #methchapDeb Borrett
Naysayers: Nicholas Carr, Sherry Turkle, Peggy Orenstein, Jason Lanier #methchap – understand the negatives… #methchapDigital Fingerprint
thinkers = cognition; consumers = experience/sensual; prosumers = creativity/the community #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Were you identified by ‘i think therefore I am’, consumer ‘i buy therefore I am – now ‘I share therefore I am’ #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Digital has changed the significance of a letter/postcard back to how it was in the early day – more special as rare #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Shifting from a primary engagement with the physical – to mutual reliance on engagement with/through virtual/within the physical #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Teamwork is better than hierarchy #methchap … honesty beats command … what life looks like in digital age…Digital Fingerprint
Plurality is preferred to the only way… #methchap …need range of ways of engaging, not just 10.30am on a Sunday! Hear hear @pmphillipsDigital Fingerprint
Informality goes alongside formality #methchap … @pmphillips used to say alongside, but now thinks supplants…Digital Fingerprint
Says @pmphillips – image supplements word … we use a lot of visuals in our conversations #methchapDigital Fingerprint
"everyone has their own angle on the truth, I think" #methchapDeb Borrett
For every proposition – will be thousands of counter-arguments … #methchap … even bigger questions on "what is truth?" …Digital Fingerprint
Now @pmphillips kicking off with #methchapDigital Fingerprint
#methchap charlie chaplin meal was rather scrummy…. tummy is rather full so going to struggle to stay awake for next session!Deb Borrett
RT @willgrady: @DebBorrett Hey Deb. are you following @pmphillips & @drbexl? They’re at #methchap tooT & L Market
@DebBorrett Hey Deb. are you following @pmphillips & @drbexl? They’re at #methchap tooWill Grady
RT @digitalfprint: Does anyone have a positive school policy re use of social media in secondary schools? #methchap Could do with examples…littlewarrior
@pmphillips #methchap I don’t think it’s a negative vibe…just people grappling with new stuff – some of which they find painful or scary.Andrew Graystone
Does anyone have a positive school policy re use of social media in secondary schools? #methchap Could do with examples…Digital Fingerprint
#methchap – postcode for satnav, Twitter – network with a range of interests/pool of knowledge than ever before; connect in Africa on mobileDigital Fingerprint
#methchap – can send 24 emails at once, rather than 24 letters; can be useful in situations of isolation; can affect international politicsDigital Fingerprint
#methchap – can remain in contact whilst away in training; can read newspaper without going out; get book in few secondsDigital Fingerprint
#methchap Positives: can communicate with many more people; chat to family in Melbourne, on the mobile & see cake just been madeDigital Fingerprint
RT @pmphillips: OH "Tesco have removed veg sausages because…they found traces of uniquorn." #methchapKeith R-W
Great contributions – need to fill the online space with Christian content (@bigbible!), & demonstrate good online relations. #methc
hapDigital Fingerprint
Much of this … "has ever been thus" #methchapDr Bex Lewis
Recent weeks – in the cold – homeless charities – using social media to encourage reporting of this #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Great use of Twitter – workplace chaplains saying where they are – so people can come and chat to them #methchapDigital Fingerprint
@pmphillips a chance to educate #methchaplittlewarrior
RT @digitalfprint: Mentioning range of characteristics of digital culture – increased speed, increased connectedness #methchapDebbie Holley
We have a bit of a communal dig against digital media going on. V anxious that when I speak after tea it’ll be Daniel in lions den #methchappmphillips
MUST get round to writing that book on "It’s Real" #methchap … there’s a lot of work to be done here … 2 other books to finish 1st…Digital Fingerprint
Excellent idea by @AndrewGraystone – confuse Amazon by searching for books you don’t want – & see what it suggests #methchapDigital Fingerprint
So participation & commercialisation are final 2 characteristics of digital era #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Oral – 1-2-1 culture; Literary – 1-2-many culture (church stuck here?); Broadcast – few-2-many; Digital – many-to-many #methchapDigital Fingerprint
Also @AndrewGraystone mentions increasing convergence & personalisation as digital changes things … #methchapDigital Fingerprint
@fav_vic07 interesting – so you don’t think we should be aware of it as well? Do we need to meet people where they are? #methchapDr Bex Lewis
@rachel_beta great series of questions set by Andrew – form basis of great discussion as yes/no are hard to give – all contextual #methchapDr Bex Lewis
Very weird @alicampbellyes – happened to spot tweet – think need "original" or ?! #methchapDr Bex Lewis
Mentioning range of characteristics of digital culture – increased speed, increased connectedness #methchapDigital Fingerprint
RT @DebBorrett: #methchap "Our identity has become dispersed’ What did Jesus do for Legion? He brought him back to his sole person and healed himDigital Fingerprint
#methchap "Our identity has become dispersed’ What did Jesus do for Legion? He brought him back to his sole person and healed himDeb Borrett
@zugzwanged is it as simple as bringing back to ‘being in the world but not of the world’, or do we need to interpret that? #methchapDr Bex Lewis
"My name is legion", Jean Tissot – we go by many names also (inc online) #methchapDr Bex Lewis
Digital culture is impacting the way that we present ourselves to the world … layers (not unique to digital) … hide/reveal #methchapDigital Fingerprint
@twurchsteward Amen 🙂 I guess that would be my take on it – that we can engage if we understand it, & critique it .. #methchapDr Bex Lewis
Who has mobile phone today? All? Online banking? About half? 20 years ago would be almost zero. Context changed. #methchapDigital Fingerprint
About 2tackle "What is digital culture?" with @AndrewGraystone -we live in a digital culture – whether we’re tech-literate or not? #methchapDigital Fingerprint
RT @grahamcrosbie: @drbexl By “follow” do you mean whole heartedly adopt or take the best bits and try to redeem the rest? #methchapDigital Fingerprint
@sallyhitchiner that was part of debate 🙂 Do we have to throw ourselves in wholesale, or "be aware" to be culturally relevant? #methchapDr Bex Lewis
@drbexl By “follow” do you mean whole heartedly adopt or take the best bits and try to redeem the rest? #methchapGraham Crosbie
@twurchsteward that was the topic of quite a lot of debate at #methchap "should only follow Jesus", but is language rest of world uses?Dr Bex Lewis
RT @twurchsteward: @drbexl is ‘follow’ the right word ? ‘engage with’ yes absolutely – but more critically than ‘follow’ implies? #methchapDr Bex Lewis
Next statement "The Methodist Church will last longer than I will" … #methchap Question = remove word Methodist?Dr Bex Lewis
RT @PhilWynne: @littlewarrior @pmphillips @drbexl #methchap That’s true. It was much easier to FB or tweet you than any other form of communication. :)littlewarrior
@littlewarrior @pmphillips @drbexl #methchap That’s true. It was much easier to FB or tweet you than any other form of communication. :)Phil Wynne
Very interesting to see that people agree but put themselves at other ends of the spectrum … #methchapDr Bex Lewis
So "Christians should follow contemporary culture as closely as possible" agree/disagree? #methchap e.g. Bex Lewis
@pmphillips @drbexl Facebook gave great insight into tensions and issues that were hard to spot as an easy point of access to all #methchaplittlewarrior
@pmphillips @drbexl What are the reasons for ‘No’? Apart from ‘we want to wither and die and no longer be relevant’ 🙂 #methchapPaul Webster
Love @pmphillips idea that vital = "life-giving" … Facebook is a vital tool 2reach many … not THE vital tool, but A vital tool #methchapDigital Fingerprint
@pmphillips @drbexl as a chaplain Facebook was essential to my connecting with staff and students #methchaplittlewarrior
Here’s @AndrewGraystone challenging us with some great ambiguous statements at #methchap Fingerprint
RT @pmphillips: So #methchap group split over whether Facebook is a vital tool in Christian ministry. @drbexl and me screaming ‘YES’Digital Fingerprint
You can only reach the people that you want to reach through the medium that THEY use #methchapDigital Fingerprint
So #methchap group split over whether Facebook is a vital tool in Christian ministry. @drbexl and me screaming ‘YES’pmphillips
RT @digitalfprint: Hearing from @RevTonyMiles re #methchapThe BigBible Project
RT @pmphillips: OH "Tesco have removed veg sausages because…they found traces of uniquorn." #methchaplittlewarrior
Hearing from @RevTonyMiles re #methchapDigital Fingerprint
So #methchap opening with @RevTonyMiles introducing the Digital Revolution and
Great to see some many workplace chaplains from the NorthEast #methchappmphillips
RT @watfordgap: @pmphillips @AndrewGraystone @drbexl Half an eye on #methchap this afternoon for the Social Media bits :-)pmphillips
RT @pmphillips: OH "Tesco have removed veg sausages because…they found traces of uniquorn." #methchapLaura Michelle
@pmphillips @AndrewGraystone @drbexl Half an eye on #methchap this afternoon for the Social Media bits :-)Paul Webster
RT @pmphillips: OH "Tesco have removed veg sausages because…they found traces of uniquorn." #methchapPeter Ould
OH "Tesco have removed veg sausages because…they found traces of uniquorn." #methchappmphillips
RT @drbexl: Tweeting from @digitalfprint – decided hashtag of #methchap should work…pmphillips
Tweeting from @digitalfprint – decided hashtag of #methchap should work…Dr Bex Lewis
At High Leigh – Workplace Chaplains session – engaging with social media – will start with #methchap as hashtag?Digital Fingerprint
Social Media 2013 | New Musicsocialnomics09

By Digital Fingerprint

Digiexplorer (not guru), Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing @ Manchester Metropolitan University. Interested in digital literacy and digital culture  in the third sector (especially faith). Author of 'Raising Children in a Digital Age', regularly checks hashtag #DigitalParenting.

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