So, today, the villagers put on a church service for us … as they said “where 2 or 3 are gathered in his name” – and it was certainly more than that though clearly not as full as a regular service… the nursery school joined us – lots of giggling again! Photos can be found on Facebook (open folder)
We’ve heard many tales of how long African services can be … but this was actually in many ways quite similar to a UK church service – songs, a sermon, a collection, prayers – but also very different … lively songs, clapping [in time ;-)], order of service not required (or even made so far as we could see). The sermon emphasised that everything that we have is a gift from God, so we should look after it and share it well… and be grateful for what we do have – quite emotional to hear this in a village where people clearly have so little.. and reminded me of the Widow’s Mite – we often give out of our ‘excess’, whereas they give out of what they have – which may be coins, or may be food.