
#DigitalParenting: The Monitor Report 2011-12: Children’s Media Use and Purchasing


There is a newer report that was released earlier this year, but unfortunately the British Library doesn’t have it yet, and at £2k to buy… 

This report was released in January 2012, when latest payment packages for broadband and mobile phones removed “constraints that previously held back access, and ever-lower prices for laptops, tablets and e-readers make these an attractive proposition for birthday and Christmas presents.” 2700 children interviewed across 100 schools.

“Alongside this, parents are now increasingly confident about internet and mobile phone use – most are aware of the risks, and also of the opportunities, and this has dispelled many of the concerns that previously surrounded children’s use of such technology.”

Mobile phones have largely become ubiquitous for all children, spending around 1.5 hours a day on their phones (including internet), downloading apps, and most are now on contracts (paid for by their parents). With increasing laptops/tablet devices, more children have access to computers in their own rooms.  Less children are watching (standalone) TV, and e-readers are creeping up the list. Children continue to use a range of communication messages to connect, with text high on the list, and social networking rarely used for the ‘important’ conversations… and the use of Facebook has dropped off a bit. “For children, the boundaries between different media are porous. Their favourites span the internet, television and press, plus they will download the app or play the console game.”

The Digital Divide?

P8: Leading charity the e-Learning Foundation claims that a million children’s exam results will be on average a grade lower than their peers this year because they do not have internet access at home.

  • 1.2 million teenagers log onto revision pages each week
  • Those using online resources are on average likely to attain a grade higher in exams. BBC research among 100 students who used the Bitesize revision materials before their exams found a grade life computer to those who did not use.
  • The poorest families are 2.5 times less likely to have an internet connection at home than the richest ones.
  • Schools are under increasing budgetary pressure, and plan to spent 8% less on computers for pupils this year – making it harder for pupils without home internet access to use at school instead.

May 2011 – research by e-Learning Foundation, BBC, British Educational Suppliers Association

The report looked at a range of privacy initiatives -identified as a particular sticking point.

The report continued to demonstrate the increasing ownership/use of games consoles and mobile devices, alongside other recreation, leisure and spending habits. Richly illustrated with charts and diagrams.


By Digital Fingerprint

Digiexplorer (not guru), Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing @ Manchester Metropolitan University. Interested in digital literacy and digital culture  in the third sector (especially faith). Author of 'Raising Children in a Digital Age', regularly checks hashtag #DigitalParenting.

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