Having met Dr Russell Farnworth at the TWR-World event in Prague, I was invited to visit the TWR-UK offices in Altrincham, and give some insights into what social media could further do for them. It’s a small Christian radio station with a big heart, and it was an enjoyable afternoon. The presentation was designed for internal distribution only but we looked at a range of things, including:
- Putting the ‘social’ back into social media
- Understanding the link between online/offline
- Thinking about social media goals for the station
- Thinking about what makes for a good story within their context
- Considering what a blog could do
- Surveying listeners and taking time to “lurk” on similar organisation sites.
- Developing more interactivity on Facebook and Twitter
- Considering use of YouTube and Pinterest
- The need for a social media policy
Left them with plenty to think about, enthusiasm to move forward, and we’ll see what comes of it!