A disordered mind is something I find difficult to live with… I love taking a range of things … but then I am seeking to find a pattern, to pull things together, to make sense of them!
I have also been working with Beyond Chocolate on ‘mindful eating’ – read more from Lucy Cavendish who undertook what it was like to try this:
‘It is not surprising this is what happens,’ says Sophie Boss. ‘All of the women I meet have lost sense of how to eat. The concept of eating what you want is quite terrifying as it puts the onus back on you rather than, say, the “diet guru”. It is very hard to change that.’
#Do1GoodThing: Take a single person (elderly person, single mum…) out for Sunday lunch // ha, does being at my friend’s 50th and helping her cook, count?
Maggi Dawn
The story of the Lost Coin in Luke 15: 8-10:
This Lenten story tells us that Jesus understands the daily round of small achievements, of practical worries and anxieties. He knows the stress of a sleepless night when something happens that isn’t of world-changing proportions but really matters to YOU. He knows the value of things that matter to ordinary people and, knowing all that, he places the concerns of the kingdom of heaven right there in the everyday.