Beautiful words today (and read by a friend who has kindly offered me her sofa on several occasions…:
Although I am grateful,
I rarely appreciate the kindness of others
as deeply or as warmly as I should.
I love living in a digital age much of the time, so many opportunities to share with people … (and I’ve just shared much of the train journey down to Taunton with a delightful set of people .. only thing is we were in the quiet coach, so maybe we weren’t being so kind to others)!
Maggi Dawn
Looking at the story of Nicodemus, and considering whether it may have a meaning that all faith must be publicly declared, or whether Jesus is open to meeting us in the ways that we can manage. A warning to be aware of the language that we use ‘Christianese’, and to think of those we’re talking to if trying to explain any of these things that they may ask us about.)