So, I popped into the ‘Big Meet’ on Adobe Connect, but my internet connection not great (plus Friday evening after a long week wasn’t quite in the right ‘zone’!)
Meantime, today’s material looks at openess in education – including the OER movement, MOOCs, etc. especially as it affects informal learning, but also how such material can be repurposed for specific contexts.
Looking at the scenario today, concern is expressed by the tutor that they were ‘never given anything for free’, and are concerned that their own work may be reused by others – as a lazy way of teaching. If I think back to when I first taught, and each time I teach new material – especially when it’s something that’s pre-existed, I’ll always look to pre-existing material, but I know that the stuff that I adapt is the stuff that is strong … I have to OWN it – and surely each time we use material – share it back out and see if we can each add a new layer = deepen learning, rather than circular learning!
Also see the following video…