So, my crazy timetable continues (I don’t want any more projects til next summer!). I’m enjoying everything I’m doing, and have even had to give up some things I love doing… very privileged for this year… who knows what next year will bring however…
Over the past few months, since the last update:
- Made it to the gym more regularly (particularly Boxercise & Circuit Training, and upped my walking across in London)
- Resigned as Social Media Strategist for Super Fun Days Out (other projects have taken over, but I will continue to provide occasional blog posts as I undertake SFDOs!)
- Worked with Matt Buck to create a new logo for Digital Fingerprint (a site into which I am keen to put more time, although regular postings continue)
- Continued sporadic postings to this blog, and ww2poster.
- Set up, work which continues (with a new site under development)
- Set up and started developing content for
- Set up and created a site for a new module:, for which I also prepared 2 x 3 hour interactive sessions, although I think this planned chapter may fall through.
- Written reports for BODGIT and SkillsNet, both projects into which I have put large amounts of work.
- Written a review of Imperial War Museum exhibitions for “The Poster” Journal (for which I am a Review Editor), and submitted an article for Capture Journal.
- Submitted my second PGCLTHE assignment, returned with a mark of 70%.
- Undertaken a review of the iPad.
- Since August 2010, a 0.4 contract for the year for the Blended Learning Fellowship, including these workshops
- Attended LICC Social Media Bootcamp, helped organise, market & presented three sessions (including a shared keynote with @maggidawn) for #CNMAC10, plusĀ a load of promo sessions for @bigbible… and attended #LikeMinds.
- Not seen enough of my friends though, and trying to remedy that!
November 2010
- Continue with my paid roles (0.5 University of Durham, 0.4 University of Winchester plus teaching commitments and other projects), with a particular focus on ensuring that the @bigbible housegroup material is ready before I go on holiday.
- Undertaking consultancy with 12baskets re: marketing, creating online buzz, and getting more creatives involved (trial, potentially ongoing).
- Working with Matt Buck on developing a talk around Second World War posters, using his expertise as a cartoonist (potentially in a similar style to the RSA).
- 22nd: Drop In Day (inaugural event, to encourage experimentation with online tools)
- Super User at the JISC Innovating Learning (online) conference.
- 30th: Digimission 2.0
December 2010
- Write up my Reflective Portfolio as my third and final assignment for PGCLTHE.
- 2nd: Steering Committee, CODEC
- 6th: Meet Bible Society people.
- 30 more hours for SkillsNet running to the end of the academic year.
- 18th December – 3rd January: Egypt!
January 2011
- Working with David Rush on an article, building upon our Hertfordshire conference paper ‘Using Twitter for Communities of Practice’.
- 14th: BODGIT Event, Loughborough
- 14th: Deadline for submission of papers to #PELC11
- Consider other list of potential publications, including possible book proposal (from my PhD, always planned to, but the visual issue is quite a big issue), articles for ‘History and Policy’, ‘The Poster’, Journal of Technology, Religion and Theology.
February 2011
- 1st: BODGIT Event, Winchester
- 14th: Deadline for submission of papers to #ALTC11
- (from) Teaching on the PGCLTHE (Blended Learning Module), Wednesday afternoons:16/02,09/03,27/04, 18/05
- (from) Teaching 12 hours for History on an ‘Independent Study Module’, with flexible tutorials
- (from) Teaching 24 hours for ‘Intro to Media Studies’ on Monday afternoons
April 2011
- 5th: O2 iPhone contract expires…
- 6th-8th: PELC 2011 (for which I am on the International Review Board)
May 2011
- 24-26 May: Thinking Digital Conference
June 2011
- 13-15 June: Church and Media Network Conference (potentially contributing)
- 20-24 June: MediaLit (St John’s Durham)
July 2011
- Hopefully have some new contracts coming in around now, as only 7.5 hours of my work is “definite” (as anything is in the current climate) from this point.
- 14th-15th: PLE Conference, Southampton
- 14th: Talk to Winchester Women Graduates on Second World War posters.
- Maybe a trip to Israel with Oak Hall?
August 2011
- 26th-29th: Greenbelt
September 2011
- 6th-8th: ALTC Conference