
Disappointing EU Outcome

keepcalmSo, we had the EU ruling that Coop is allowed to keep the trademark for ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’, but the fight’s not over yet (not that I’ve ever made a penny on it, but I like the attitude of Barter Books with regards to this)

A famous Northumberland book shop’s bid to overturn a European ruling relating to the use of a historic phrase has failed.

Barter Books, the second-hand shop in the former train station at Alnwick, led a challenge to a European Union (EU) decision to award a trademark for the Keep Calm and Carry On phrase, which has become a global phenomenon since a chance discovery at the store

Read full story, or this one:

But Barter Books’ owner Stuart Manley has not yet given up the fight. He criticised the decision, describing it as ‘disappointing’ and ‘perverse’, accusing Mr Coop of hijacking the phrase.

Read full story.


Yahoo Continues to Report on KCCO;_ylt=AuAlL5X7YzKHoMFYwZ59AKibFPB_;_ylu=X3oDMTN1Z2Zuc3E5BG1pdANOZXdzcm9vbSBKdW1ib3Ryb24gTUQEcGtnA2ZjZmE5NjJlLWZlMDUtMzA4Yy1iMTkyLWQ4ZWJmY2YzZDk0OARwb3MDMQRzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyA2UzZDBmODQyLTU2N2QtMTFlMi1iZmVmLTgxYjE4ODdiZTE0YQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTIydGJjajllBGludGwDZ2IEbGFuZwNlbi1nYgRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lfGZyb210aGVuZXdzcm9vbQRwdANzZWN0aW9ucw--;_ylv=3#pipsO1Q

It was originally a Second World War rallying cry to all Britons, but 70 years later the ‘Keep Calm’ slogan is now the subject of a long-running legal copyright dispute.

The wartime message has in recent years become an iconic national slogan after the phrase appeared on posters, books, mugs and other merchandise.

But ‘Keep Calm’ – originally produced by the government’s Ministry of Information – has since been trademarked by an entrepreneur who has claimed a monopoly on the famous phrase – and prevented anyone else from repeating it.

Read full article.


Keep Calm and Carry On Dispute Continues

Just popped a little comment onto this Guardian article:

The issue may be simply resolved in the end, with evidence that former TV producer Mark Coop got his original copy from Barter Books and appears to have no evidence of original discovery; but the Keep Calm Campaign says that he has United States and Canadian applications pending and the potential may be growing for restrictive action. The slogan was originally Crown copyright but is now in the public domain because more than 50 years have elapsed since an unknown civil servant thought it up. Wouldn’t it be great if they or a relative came forward?

Its two predecessors ‘Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will Bring us Victory’ and ‘Freedom in Peril’ were plastered across the UK. But ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ was stuck on only a few office walls and all but a handful of copies – most in the National Archive and the Imperial War Museum – escaped pulping.

Read full article.


The History of Keep Calm and Carry On Barter Books

I saw a preview of this video last summer. It’s well made, and clearly of interest to large numbers of people (I get over 10,000 visits a month to my blog). I did, however, ask that a mention be made at the end of the video, that the history is essentially the history written in my PhD:


#KeepCalmandCarryOn Statement from Barter Books

“Barter Books wish to make it clear that Mark Coop has no ethical or moral right to ‘Keep Calm’. The reverse – when he first jumped on the band-wagon, six years after it was first put on sale, and two years after the Guardian feature and subsequent TV that started the worldwide spread, it was already well established. We have records showing when he first bought a poster from us prior to starting his ‘business’ and his written admission that he used that image, after removing our name, without either asking or acknowledging his source. He even took our history of the poster, which is our copyright, without acknowledging either ourselves or Dr Bex Lewis, whose dissertation was the prime source. (Subsequent correspondence got him to at least acknowledge Dr Bex!)

By the time he formed the company ‘Keep Calm and Carry On Ltd.’ and subsequently got an EU trade mark for the phrase, it was already in use by literally hundreds of other people (many kind enough to acknowledge their source!) and this trade mark should never have been allowed.”