Digital Media & Press Media - Text

[MEDIA] Cyberbullying: Protecting Your Child for @YCWmag

I’ve just written a short piece for Premier Media’s Youth and Children’s Work Magazine on cyberbullying, in the light of some recent reports:

Short piece for Premier Youth & Childrenswork Magazine #cyberbullying

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[STORIFY] #LTHEChat Managing Negative Use of Social Media and Cyberbullying

This evening I ‘led’ a discussion on some of the complex issues surrounding negative behaviour online, including cyberbullying for Learning & Teaching in Higher Education Chat (#LTHEChat). Here’s a visualisation of the tweeters involved in the conversation:


Tweets collected here:

Digital Media & Press Media - Visual

[MEDIA] The One Show #Cyberbullying #SID2015


So, earlier this evening, I was live on The One Show, talking about cyberbullying, from my book Raising Children in a Digital Age, and ready for a new cyberbullying report coming out from the BBC tomorrow, as well as Safer Internet Day 2015. All a bit of a whirlwind. If you want a vague idea of what happens – was collected, given a room (with wi-fi), in which I’d planned to work on a report, but ended up rehearsing my points for most of the afternoon. Got a chance to practice them with the producer, then was sent for food, make-up, rehearsal – in which about 10+ minutes in which I got lots of questions, from which Matt/Alex picked the ones they wanted to use. Back behind the scenes, until I was called to the sofa, quick chat whilst the VT is playing, then we’re on air, and what feels like 30 second later, I’m done – no chance to namecheck anyone – sorry – but lots of you are namechecked in the book, so… Watched the rest of it, quick photo, and off home.

Back up in the morning for a few more media interviews, and hopefully some report writing!

Love a few more reviews on the book (hopefully positive ones)… only 47p on Kindle as a special for Internet Safety Week – and the show will be on iPlayer for a bit 🙂


Facebook Bullying Initiative #DigitalParenting


Facebook describes bullying as

Bullying is any kind of repeated aggressive behaviour that involves an imbalance of power such as social status or physical size. Along with physical or verbal attacks, bullying also includes making threats, spreading rumours or deliberately excluding someone from a group.

and is providing advice for teens, parents/guardians, and teachers, including advice on how to deal with bullying, how to report bullying, and how to block/remove ‘friends’.

Read more about it in the Telegraph, or go to the pages on Facebook.


InternetMatters.Org Launches #DigitalParenting


A new site has been launched by NSPCC, FOSI, Childnet, ThinkUKnow, PitDA, CEOP, Family Lives, Ofcom, BT, Sky, Vodafone, TalkTalk, Virgin, offering useful resources to help you make informed choices about your children’s online safety – with issues covered including inappropriate content, cyberbullying, online grooming, sexting and online reputation. See the launch video with Sophie Ellis-Bextor: