Yesterday, for the first time in ages, I turned on ITV, and caught the re-run of ‘Sing if You Can‘ (a crazy show in which people have to carry on singing whatever is thrown at them…), just as Keith Lemon was talking to Camilla Kerslake (looking stunning in a lovely dress… chosen for her by the ITV producers, in case you’re wondering…). I undertook my coaching training with Camilla’s mum at The Kerslake Company (then known as Serenergise; which has strongly influenced the way I approach my life… still decluttering, several years later)… and you can see the way she has influenced Camilla to keep going through anything in this video (in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust):
Not too late to sign up for The Kerslake Company’s next coaching course, starting 15th May!
Later today I will be giving the following presentation, which is an assignment towards my Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching. The event is being filmed as we experiment with possibilities for giving more than text feedback on events..
Once the event is over, I have until 1st April to provide a 1500 write-up, echoing the content in the presentation, but also taking into account questions/responses from the audience, which I anticipate to include most of the LTDU, within which I have my role as Blended Learning Fellow. I will then start work on my conference paper for the Hertfordshire Blended Learning Conference, which will count towards another assignment for the Blended Learning module (which I will be teaching next year). Over the summer I will then complete my portfolio in time for September submission… I can then look out for other personal development courses of interest, including training myself up as a PhD supervisor… I’ve really been enjoying supervising Final Year Projects, so it’s the next natural step, right?
Below is the abstract from a 20-minute presentation I will be giving on Wednesday as a part of my assessment towards my PGCLTHE. When the other assessments are complete, which they will be this summer, I will become a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
“Since the 1990s the field of coaching has grown in professionalism, and now affects most business sectors. Having taught in Higher Education since 1998, in 2009 I trained as a life coach. Drawing upon the work of Kerslake, Whitmore, Parsloe & Leedham, and Draper this presentation offers a reflective consideration of implementing coaching practices. With a particular interest in facilitating group work in seminars, the presentation considers how exploiting learning and personality styles, and offering encouragement, improves student engagement with the process.
Dr Bex Lewis”
If you are on campus on that day and are interested in attending, let me know!
Dr Deborah Kerslake is the owner of the Coaching College where I did my Life Coaching qualification, then known as Serenergise. I went to see Debs for a day, gave her some advice on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc. and advised that her site needed a more professional look/more functionality, and put her in touch with Brown Bear Art… and here’s the result. Almost as proud as if it was my company/I had done it, now I just need to persuade Debs that using Twitter/Facebook are fun – although Camilla has so much experience now, she doesn’t need my help any more!
Earlier this year I trained a life coach with Serenergise, run by Deborah Kerslake and her team (I’ve seriously been encouraging Debs on Twitter!), so I have had the privilege of meeting Camilla (one of the nicest people ever), and have watched with baited breath as this all came together, and am now fascinated to see how Camilla is using social media to build her brand/profile before her album launch: she seems to have had some good advice. The following video for ‘Rule the World’ (originally by Take That, and Camilla has been taken on by Gary Barlow’s record label) was posted onto YouTube on 24th September, and on 30th September was the most watched music video on YouTube (not surprising, I’ve listened to it multiple times, and today it has had nearly 57,000 views!)
Camilla Kerslake: Website (beautifully fresh and simple, looking forward to the rest of the content appearing)
Camilla Kerslake: Facebook (great use of the fan site, and simple leads into other areas of social media)
Camilla Kerslake on Twitter (if you retweet “@camillakerslake I WANT to meet Camilla & Gary Barlow on Monday! Please RT x“, you may get to meet both on Monday evening – just got to get yourself to London. I love the fact that it is clearly Camilla sending the tweets – her personality is shining through)
Camilla Kerslake on YouTube (SUCH a beautiful taste of what she’s singing, and a beautifully personally channel!)
I watched carefully to spot Debs at 3.37
The video below is taken from Terry Wogan’s Radio 2 show: this I think is from the 19th September, although he’d already played the song once, and had so many requests for it, it was added to the playlist again.