
@krishk: The Bible: Tedious? Irrelevant? Boring?

The Bible: Tedious? Irrelevant? Boring? Watch Krish Kandiah as he confesses that the Bible was not enough…

The Bible: Tedious, Taboo and Toxic or Transforming, Treasured and True? Krish Kandiah from krish kandiah on Vimeo.

I first came across Krish Kandiah in the book ‘Twenty-Four: Integrating Faith and Real Life“, a really interesting read, and since came into contact on Twitter (@krishk) at Digisymp at the University of Durham, then finally introduced myself properly to him at the Biblefresh event (I only managed to go to the evening, was teaching all day!). As I come to work as Project Manager/Blended Learning Fellow for CODEC (yes, I’ve just signed a contract to work half-time for the next year from 1st July with CODEC – I’ll let you know more once I’ve had my initial meetings and know what’s public knowledge… but I’ll be commuting to the offices of Premier Radio near Victoria 2 days a week, as well as support provided by SPCK) I hope to have more contact, as well as with @KoreUK, who I also met at the event! Before I start, looking forward to working with CODEC at MediaLit towards the end of June.

My mentor/line manager will be Dr Rev Pete Phillips:

Rebuilding Confidence in a Rubbished Text – Pete Phillips from krish kandiah on Vimeo.

Digital Life(style)

Christianity in the Digital Space

With 2 minutes warning, giving a 5 minute summary of an hour’s conversation on “Creating Community” at the Christianity in Digital Space Conference, University of Durham, July 2009. A really interesting conference, with lots of new and creative ideas flowing.