
FarmVille: they reap what you sow

There can be no more elegant example of the alienation of the modern workplace than the fact that hundreds of millions of employees across the globe spend their lunch hours pretending to be farmers on the internet. With all the breathtaking and transformative power of the web at their fingertips, armies of workers and young people still choose to spend their online hours growing virtual potatoes on badly animated digital fields.

One of the biggest forums for this activity is FarmVille, the online role-playing game made popular through Facebook, whose players tend and trade digital crops and livestock. Almost 100 million people subscribe to the game, which has just announced profits of $500m (£300m) for 2010. I have an account myself, and have spent many happy hours playing on my virtual farm, although my attempts to grow virtual opium were swiftly curtailed by the virtual CIA.

Thanks to @Kerileef for telling us about this article from the Guardian. I tried joining Farmville, but I’ve never been one for virtual worlds (Second Life has never grabbed me!)… I’m more interested in what’s online as a tool to enable me to live my life to the fullest, rather than creating a second life…