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[MEDIA] Competitive Christianity? Why a summer festival’s marketing is raising eyebrows @ChristianToday

I’m quoted in a recent Christian Today article, looking at the marketing tactics of a Christian festival:

The AdWords technique was used by UKIP during the last general election to divert searches for the Conservative Party to its own website. However, Bex Lewis, a lecturer in digital marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University, told Christian Today there were questions around the extent to which it was ethical.

‘Within the marketing world, it is seen as a legitimate practice to piggy-back on the brand equity of competitors,’ she said.

‘In many ways, as a new festival, it makes sense to target those who are likely to be in the right market, but as some big brands have sued those who have done something similar, there is a question as to whether this capitalises upon the brand of others without returning anything – and whether as Christians we should be held to a higher standard.’

Read full article.