
How do we keep our children safe online?

book-cover-bex-400Well, the Guardian should have brought me to this round-table (or at least read my book!):

“We’ve got a generation of parents who simply don’t know what it takes to raise a child in the digital age,” said Vicki Shotbolt, CEO and founder of the Parent Zone. “When you talk to them they say they have no idea what it takes to get it right.” Her feelings were echoed by Allen Scott, managing director of online security company F-Secure, who pointed out that when the internet was first set up, it was assumed it was going to transform business life, not revolutionise parenting. “As a father of four, I’m shocked and amazed at what my kids do on the internet,” he said. “One minute I’m terrified, the next I’m astonished.”

Read full story or see infographic from Virgin Media.