See the full interview, and follow @alantlwilson… who also spoke at @flashevensong on Friday, and The World This Weekend… and he’s on the BBC news RIGHT now!
Tag: Flashevensong
After blogging about @flashevensong on this blog the other day, and subsequent conversations on Facebook/Twitter, Wayne Clarke invited me to speak (at 7.40am!) on BBC Radio Merseyside about my experiences of being there.
- Listen again, from around 1.32, to the stories about St Paul’s (around 1.37 for my stuff)
- And I’ve collected a version for posterity…
Today, I met with Pete Phillips to discuss where we’re going with @bigbible, etc. and, combined with a number of Tweets I’d seen earlier, decided that I would join the Flash Evensong, organised by @artsyhonker (who’d run a similar event on Sunday).
Check out the rest of our boos from #occupyslx
Information had been circulated via Twitter since Sunday afternoon (always with the knowledge that the Cathedral might reopen), with materials available on a website (therefore those coming were asked to either print off, or use their phones for the material). We were welcome, however, to just stand and enjoy the atmosphere (tho I knew I’d be doing some tweeting, etc..) … and it was great to run into a number of people that I often talk to on Twitter but rarely meet face to face… It was great to see how Twitter had brought people together (for an event that @artsyhonker had expected about 10 people at), and to see crowds grow as 30+ singers sang beautifully… although the ‘paps’ were rather disconcerting – they know how to get their picture (yes, push!) … lots of us just stayed up to watch ITV News … but no sign of us 🙁 I was asked by ‘Classical Music’ magazine – there was a guy in the right place at the right time – whether I thought this was a ‘publicity stunt’ or a service … those of us there definitely felt that it was a service, and Kathryn (@artsyhonker) rationale for creating it was that people aren’t able to go to Evensong in the Cathedral, but faith/worship is clearly so much bigger than the building (see Jhon Cooper’s interview)
Never mind the media coverage… you can listen to some audioboos (music 1; music 2; artsyhonkey; riggwelter; peterould, and see my snapshots on video:
There’s also some pics here and a blog from @riggwelter … sure there’s more around!
Tweets are being collected on Twapperkeeper (it should be able to pick up the last 24-48 hours), and I was chuffed to see Peter Ould undertake his first audioboo tonight: