I am looking at who I follow/am followed by on Twitter, and was looking for a tool which would give me an idea.
- As a first run, I have foundĀ http://friendorfollow.com very helpful in identifying those who I am following but are not following me.
- Some people will only follow those who are following them, which isn’t my style (as some of the biggest names, who post the most interesting tweets (e.g. @mashable) don’t follow many back).
- It does, however, give me an idea of people who I may have followed in a moment of madness, who’ve then de-followed me (and picks up on some people who I can’t imagine ever following, so I’m not quite sure how that happens).
- The software is quite slow to run, but you can add /username and it will start searching immediately. I thought it had hung, put the computer into hibernation overnight, and the data was all there.
- When you click on an icon, it will take you into Twitter itself, where you can choose whether to defollow or not (I’m not an advocate of auto-defollowing), so there’s a bit of clicking back and forth, but worth it.
- The tool can come in particularly handy if you’re reaching the limit of 2000 following, when you don’t have as many followers!
- From now on, I can just add those I think I’m going to get value from, and use their tweets to decide whether to defollow (whether they’re following me or not) – trying to improve the ratio of signal to noise!
Interested in suggestions of programmes that others have used, and their pros/cons?