The chief executive of Bullying UK, John Carnell, saw #charitytuesday on Twitter that day (12 May 2009) and decided to back it. He enlisted the support of Bullying UK’s (then) 5,400 followers.
“It’s done absolutely remarkably well,” says Carnell.
“It opens up communication in a way we’ve never really had before.”
The benefits of using #charitytuesday for charities seem substantial.
No one is hassled for money, rather they are asked to contribute to a conversation, or give a show of support.
Rather than targeting potential supporters in the street or by phone when they are busy, charities can simply post information for followers (who they already know are interested) to access when they have time.
Carnell calls it: “The ultimate permission-based marketing.”
“It gives a single day, if nothing else, that we should be on Twitter,” he said.
Read full story.