
#AdventBookClub: Day 33: Questioning


Today’s reading is really helpful – Maggi draws on Psalm 119:25-32 to deal with the question of whether it’s “better” to meet God via revelation (as the shepherd’s did), or via intellectual study (as the wise men did) … and that there is a “danger” in asking questions of our faith. My Winchester housegroup often discussed this, to this kind of end:

… I found that being allowed to believe in a God who could stand up to any amount of questioning, however, hard, made God seem more believable to me, not less… I was delighted to find that it was not only allowable to think very hard and ask any and every question, but that letting the awkward and answerable questions out into the open began to strengthen rather than weaken my faith.

Those questions will still be there, except that they will plague without answer. I’m very uncomfortable with people who have a black/white notion of all answers to faith:

The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know. — Socrates