The project: Originally created lunchtime, with further tweets added evening.
Storified by Dr Bex Lewis · Tue, Oct 16 2012 14:13:57
See “@helenbeetham: #jiscdiglit You can see this morning’s slides here:” on ‘international convergence’Sarah Cousins
RT @dajbelshaw: Catching up with #jiscdiglit stuff thanks to @drbexl’s expert Storify action! lane
RT @johnigoeuk: @digitalfprint Sure thing :-). Social Media Handbook available here: #jiscdiglitCristina Costa
Catching up with #jiscdiglit stuff thanks to @drbexl’s expert Storify action! Belshaw
Good day with #jiscdiglit projects. Thanks Sarah, Miles & all! lots for me & @shrifootring to tell Regional Support Centre folks aboutLis Parcell
“@andrewey: Digital literacy, digital fluency or simply ‘digitalness’? #jiscdiglit #jiscpaddle” varied mashup of all outcome dependantIan McNeill
Not a good @adalovelaceday for me. Late for #jiscdiglit. Erased more poetry than I wrote. Reasons to be cheerful here Beetham
@johnigoeuk @digidolproject does it matter as long as there is institutional consistency else can’t embed (as in DDL vision) #jiscdiglitNeil Witt
RT @digitalfprint: Checking out #digidol diagram – helpful for #ODHE – #jiscdiglit
@Prof_Witt IL may be subset of DL an interesting discussion with @DigidolProject about this! Back to definitions here Neil! #jiscdiglitJohn Igoe
Digital literacy, digital fluency or simply ‘digitalness’? #jiscdiglit #jiscpaddleAndrew Eynon
Good shopping at the #jiscdiglit trade fair ;)Meriel Box
how do we enable the ‘gatekeepers’ to support digital literacy in their organisations? #jiscdiglit Fingerprint
MT @digitalfprint Checking out #digidol diagram – helpful for #ODHE – #jiscdiglit <great #edtech #infographicFred Garnett
RT @digitalfprint: Checking out #digidol diagram – helpful for #ODHE – #jiscdiglit Wood
RT @digitalfprint: Checking out #digidol diagram – helpful for #ODHE – #jiscdiglit Project
Checking out #digidol diagram – helpful for #ODHE – #jiscdiglit Fingerprint
@Prof_Witt or vice versa… certainly need integrated rather than competing frameworks #jiscdiglitJanet Finlay
RT @digitalfprint: Just updated the Design Studio (phew!) #jiscdiglit: DLSue Bamford
Isn’t Info Lit just a sub set of Dig Lit? Danger of competing frameworks #jiscdiglitNeil Witt
An advantage of the @Welsh_Info_Lit framework is its breadth across levels and sectors, staff & student skills @andrewey #jiscdiglitLis Parcell
#jiscdiglit @exetercascade using Vitae’s RDF framework – found it rly useful to get buy-in from PGRs and the Researcher Developmt team.Helen Beetham
I must create a system or… via @BrainyQuote We need to engage our users about what digital literacies is #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
Groups such as #ODHE and Staff Development Forum are not yet ready for a framework … #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
Frameworks should not be worshipped, but used for inspiration to allow us to avoid ‘groundhog day discussions’ #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
RT @helenbeetham: #jiscdiglit You can see this morning’s slides here: Parcell
Just updated the Design Studio (phew!) #jiscdiglit: DLDigital Fingerprint
RT @helenbeetham: #jiscdiglit You can see this morning’s slides here:
@digitalfprint Sure thing :-). Social Media Handbook available here: #jiscdiglitJohn Igoe
RT @hallymk1: RT @helenbeetham: #jiscdiglit You can see this morning’s slides here: Fingerprint
RT @helenbeetham: #jiscdiglit You can see this morning’s slides here: Hall
RT @cdvallance: Reflections on #ODHE National Meeting via @wordpressdotcom #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
has anyone got a sustainable and embeddable ‘students as partners’ initiative that does not rely on project funding? #jiscdiglitNeil Witt
2 simple guides produced 4 senior staff in #ODHE: ( and (Dropbox) #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
@johnigoeuk I would like to see that Vitae guide please 🙂 #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
Getting #ODHE sharing their expertise in the digital space #gentlygently #jiscdiglit http://odhegroup.wordpress.comDigital Fingerprint
#jiscdiglit You can see this morning’s slides here: Beetham
Don’t forget the projects in Propell 2. Getting lonely over here #jiscdiglitNeil Witt
@lindsayjordan @helenbeetham #jiscdiglit – have always wanted to be ‘master’ of any tech, rather than ‘slave’ – use appropriately..Digital Fingerprint
RT @helenbeetham: Just tweeted from #emhe12 also relevant to #jiscdiglit: Julian Beer: about 1/4 of institutions have changed their mission in the last yearINTO
Tsk Tsk apologising for using paper. Paper is entirely appropriate in many cases. Right tool for the job. #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
Just tweeted from #emhe12 also relevant to #jiscdiglit: Julian Beer: about 1/4 of institutions have changed their mission in the last yearHelen Beetham
#jiscdiglit at least I’ll be there in time for the trade fair – much more interesting than my slides.Helen Beetham
@helenbeetham It’s mainly to with concern re: teachers not completing their PGcert because they can’t cope with the online stuff #jiscdiglitLindsay Jordan
@lindsayjordan @digitalfprint some of our digital pioneers at exeter got more doubting. Need to emphasise that DL = CRITICAL #jiscdiglitHelen Beetham
@digitalfprint As a practice!! Crazy I know… I started out quite the evangelist… #jiscdiglitLindsay Jordan
@digitalfprint @lindsayjordan suggest while ‘digital’ has value we shd leverage it. Not get over-attached. #jiscdiglitHelen Beetham
@lindsayjordan I think th is definitely cynicism about the need for ‘special projects’ in this area – ‘the kids are alright etc #jiscdiglitHelen Beetham
what is #jiscdiglit offering? Fingerprint
@lindsayjordan value of ‘digital’ as a term, or as a practice? #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
@Prof_Witt e.g. 18months ago unclear what ‘digital experience’ students wd expect/sign up for as part of £££ fee. Now emerging. #jiscdiglitHelen Beetham
#jiscdiglit More cynicism… perhaps! Our project has led me to question the
real value of ‘digital’…Lindsay Jordan
@Prof_Witt you are well placed to marry up project development and institutional priorities – not all are so closely allied #jiscdiglitHelen Beetham
@Prof_Witt are we moving onto discussion of how do you think? knowing what we want to do/making it happen = different. #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
RT @digitalfprint: some of the challenges faced #jiscdiglit Igoe
@helenbeetham if run a 2 year institutional project without keeping institution involved and updated then I’d be worried. #jiscdiglitNeil Witt
Definitely qus trying 2get across2 #ODHE -how can they, and their expertise, help ‘HE UK’. Still trying to get over "technology" #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
some of the challenges faced #jiscdiglit Fingerprint
RT @lisparcell: Good: #jiscdiglit projects’ focus on what they’ll give to other institutions: outputs + learning Footring
@digitalfprint again, was a condition of funding. We all have declared community engagement plans alongside sustainability plans #jiscdiglitNeil Witt
#jiscdiglit @Prof_Witt Institutions bought into the idea of project but may only now be clear what it could mean to them.Helen Beetham
Probably some good questions related to senior managers there #jiscdiglit as the group I’m working with definitely strugglingDigital Fingerprint
#jiscdiglit thank god Jay is such a pro – I’m sure she’s doing better with my slides than I would have done.Helen Beetham
#jiscdiglit @prof_witt – working with an ‘association’ – guess better question would be how spread outside own institution?Digital Fingerprint
RT @lisparcell: Good: #jiscdiglit projects’ focus on what they’ll give to other institutions: outputs + learning Fingerprint
What are the real challenges that institutions are facing, and how can you meet them? #jiscdiglit What does your institution want?Digital Fingerprint
#jiscdiglit what are your institutional challenges?Marianne Sheppard
Good: #jiscdiglit projects’ focus on what they’ll give to other institutions: outputs + learning Parcell
Surely institutional buy in and support was a condition of funding? How else can projects be embedded and sustained? #jiscdiglitNeil Witt
#jiscdiglit – should your message be the same for each audience? where are the overlaps? what is particularly required?Digital Fingerprint
Still trying to get to #jiscdiglit thanks to my own idiocy regarding trains. Sure that colleagues will be coping fine without me!Helen Beetham
Hello all at #jiscdiglit programme meeting hope you all have a great day sharing all your inspirational work!sarahknight
@lindsayjordan Is that good or bad? #jiscdiglitEmma Duke-Williams
RT @lindsayjordan: #jiscdiglit kicking off with what sounds like @mylesdanson’s first attempt at stand-up. Sitting down.Digital Fingerprint
Have the #jiscdiglit facilitators been on a comedy course?!Lindsay Jordan
#jiscdiglit kicking off with what sounds like @mylesdanson’s first attempt at stand-up. Sitting down.Lindsay Jordan
#jiscdiglit (@ Maple House) [pic]: Bex Lewis
MT @DigidolProject @sheilmcn @cathiejack : new digital & info literacies strategy @cardiffuni #infolit #jiscdiglitLis Parcell
This morning I ran a session with the Organisational Development in HE Group, a group in which there’s quite a lot of fear and skepticism about technology – but they’re open to discussions/engaging:
Knowledge Exchange Day for JISC Digital Literacies Programme
Storified by Dr Bex Lewis · Wed, May 16 2012 05:32:42
This is the formal page for the project
Developing digital literacies : JISCOverview Many learners enter further and higher education lacking the skills needed to apply digital technologies to education. As 90% of…
Videos from the range of projects:
Programme Meeting (May 2012)YouTube
This is the particular project that I’m involved in:
The Design Studio / ODHE DLThe ODHE brings together HE practitioners with responsibilities for supporting organisational-level development within their institutions…
ODHE & Digital Literacydrbexl
Baselining report across the projects & associations
The Design Studio / Baselining digital literacy provisionThis page collates resources for conducting a baseline review of digital literacy at an institutional level, as carried out by the 12 ins…
Suggestions being put forward that professional associations should offer to a ‘marketplace’ to the projects … #jiscdiglitDigital Fingerprint
At #jiscdiglit Bex Lewis
Great to see colleagues from HE development professional associations at a JISC knowledge sharing event in Birmingham #jiscdiglitCarole Baume
At #jiscdiglit Knowledgr Sharing Event in Birmingham today.Doug Belshaw
RT @sheilmcn: great point being made – "digital" a transitory word – we don’t talk about "analogue literacies" #jiscdiglitScott Hibberson
In Birmingham today for the #jiscdiglit DDL projects Knowledge Exchange.Sue Beckingham
20 ways of thinking about digital literacy in higher education via @guardian #jiscdiglitMarianne Sheppard
Quick storify from today’s #jiscdiglit programme meeting MacNeill
For #jiscdiglit the top users, links, phrases & usage according to #tweetlevel is MacNeill
First define what you mean by digital literacy: The definition I most frequently use is this one: digital literacy = digital tool knowledge + critical thinking + social engagement. Then it’s worth knowing its main characteristics:
• It supports and helps develop traditional literacies
• It’s a life-long practice
• It’s about skills, competencies and critical reflection on how these skills and competencies are applied
• It’s about social engagement
Top tips for developing the digital literacy of non-traditional students: Begin by exploring the ways in which the group are already using mobile and web based technologies. Many of them will already be engaging with tech for personal use, for example Skyping relatives, keeping in touch on Facebook or using mobile phones. If you have a group who aren’t using technology in any of these ways, personal use might be where you start the conversation.
The EU describes it as digital competency. Lots of debate about what it is, but if we’re talking policy at institutions, it’s important to know what you are seeking to implement.
Students often get disheartened when they search the web. They have NO idea what kind of material they should be looking for – which should be embedded into their work.
Students need to move beyond practitioner training, and into being strong independent learners, who are confident to go off and try for themselves. May increase employability, but not necessarily attainment as it’s currently identified.
We have to accept that ‘new’ is here to stay, and that we will no longer be ‘masters’. We are encouraging students more to deal with “the gray”, rather than seeing things in black & white [the project research focused on primary & secondary, but was seen to be applicable to HE in most respects].
Assessment needs to change, to ensure that students will NEED to remix the information that’s available, rather than the “digital parrot” [my words!]
Not about using particular technologies, but about particular practices that we want students [and staff!] to use and allowing them to find the tools. [How do we support them in doing so?]
Over the past five years the concept of digital literacy has been of increasing interest and importance in UK education research, across all sectors. At around the same time that JISC started the Learning Literacies in a Digital Age project (2008), two other notable projects began:
A review of definitions and models of digital literacy, covering all sectors and ages, which then led to various conference talks and the creation of resources for use in primary schools (carried out by Tabetha Newman on behalf of Becta), and
The Digital Participation research project, run by the independent research organisation ‘Futurelab’, who worked with practising educators, experts and children in primary and secondary schools to explore how digital literacy could be developed within a range of school subjects (on which Sarah Payton was a lead researcher).
Since then, the outputs of these projects have come to the attention of European Union education policy makers – who are currently incorporating the work into EU policy research on ‘Digital Competence’ (one of the eight EU Key Competences for Lifelong Learning).
This webinar will provide an overview of these wider UK and European Digital Literacy contexts. We will:
Summarise some of the leading definitions and models of digital literacy (Tabetha)
Offer examples of digital literacy in practice in the UK schools sector (Sarah)
Provide an overview of current EU policy relating to digital literacy in all sectors and contexts, both within and outside formal educational settings (Tabetha)
Signpost relevant resources that have emerged from the Becta and Futurelab projects (Sarah)
We aim to present this information before initiating discussion about, amongst other things:
How do these definitions, models and case studies differ from those in use within the JISC projects? What are the similarities?
How relevant does the proposed EU digital literacy policy feel within the UK HE context?