Picking out some the #DigitalMarketing Campaigns that I and others brought to mind in a quick brain-dump – asking within a lecture – do you recognise these campaigns? Students will then be sent off throughout the week to find campaigns that have inspired them (ensuring a digital element) and share on their blogs.
Don’t forget that the Cannes Lions winners list may bring some more to your attention.
Volkswagen: The Fun Theory (2009)
Movember (Annually since 2003)
Red Bull Stratos Space Jump (2012)
Gold Postboxes (2012)
Water Aid (2010)
Frozen (2013)
- Official Disney Site
- Forbes: What marketers can learn from Disney’s Frozen
- Frozen/Iceland Case Study
Yes We Can (2008)
ComparetheMeerkat.com (2009 onwards)
Oreo (2013)
“The Ice Bucket Challenge” – ALS (2014)
Want to find some more – try these:
Prepared for a job interview!