
Book Review: I Dare You by Joyce Meyer

meyer-I-dare-youI was in New Zealand. I was in Queenstown – capital of adventure activities. But I’ve tried skydiving, tried white water-rafting, tried canyoning, and I’m looking for something else to tap the adrenalin button. Bunge- jumping’s too expensive … so I’m wandering around looking for inspiration when I wander into the Christian bookshop. (Christianity seems to be a lot more ‘acceptable’ over there – Christian radio even playing on the ‘secular’ bus). Decided I wanted to reclaim some of my time to read Joyce Meyer, whose name was everywhere!

Thankfully the bookstore allowed me to browse for sometime, and the sentence which caught my attention on p.x was

I finally learned that life is more about the journey than the destination and I made a commitment to enjoy it all.

Meyer knows that she can do everything with joy with God at her side.

I now know I have a purpose. God has a plan and I have decided to live out my days with passion and enthusiasm.

Meyer’s enthusiasm certainly comes through in every page of the book as she gives real examples of how she has seen this work in her own and other’s lives – and this coming from someone who had a difficult childhood and used to hold regular ‘pity parties’.

Meyer is particularly keen us all to take responsibility for our own lives, and try to waste less of our time – whether that is aimlessly flicking through the TV channels for hours on end, worrying, feeling guilty, trying to change what only God can change, complaining, being angry, being fearful, blaming, or complaining.

Extract (p107): Comparisons are a waste of time

Does this sound like you?

  • I am really content – until I start looking through the fifty catalogues mailed to my home each month.
  • I liked my car – until I saw the new Lexus
  • I am satisfied with my clothes – until I stroll through the stores in our mall.
  • I love our home – until I think what it would be like to own a bigger home on a lake
  • I am satisfied with every area of my life – until I start comparing it to someone else’s life.
  • I feel like I have enough of everything – until I see someone who has more.

Isn’t it always tempting to compare what you have to what someone else has? My advice is to stop looking to the side and worrying about others and start concentrating on what’s in front of you – God’s incredible individual plan for each of us! When Peter was in prison, God sent angels to shake the place until the doors flew open and Peter walked out. John the Baptist was in prison and he was beheaded. Why, God, why? Only God knows and he isn’t telling. Trust always requires that we have some unanswered questions in our lives.

Prepared for use as an Oak Hall Leader