Academic Digital

Social Media: Informal Learning?

Jake Ross answers questions on informal learning. Is it real? Does it benefit small companies? How does it relate to the web? An interesting video which gives an idea as to why didactic learning no longer works.

Academic Digital

Blended Learning Fellowship: Interview

hurrahNext Thursday morning I have an interview as a 1-day-a-week Blended Learning Fellow at the University of Winchester. Currently generating ideas for my 10 minute presentation:

“The potential impact of blended learning on the learning and teaching experience of staff and students at Winchester”

Already had a number of good discussions, and have ideas, plus been picked up more on the ALK-C 2009, especially via Twitter and Elluminate, picking up tips and presentations from CrowdVine, but obviously a lot of the role is going to be prioritising as new technologies roll towards us!

I would LOVE to know (and crowd-source!) your tops tips for this, what’s worth investing time in, and seems to pay off for the students (and yourselves), and what you’d put to one side. I’ve watched the arguments rage about “is the VLE dead”… I use Twitter and blogging extensively, and so want to investigate learning applications for this, but also think Wikis, etc. have great potential! THOUGHTS?!


ALT-C 2009: In Dreams Begin Responsibility

Watching ALT-C 2009, streaming live from the University of Manchester, from today through Thursday 10th August 2009. There’s also some other sessions being streamed via UStream.

Follow the stream on Twitter. (#altc2009 seems to be the main hashtag, but there are other’s noted!).
Beware of the concept of Digital Natives:
Academic Digital Event

Basic WordPress for Aim Higher

AimHigher is about making everyone aware of the benefits higher education can bring, whatever their background. The above were my slides from my first ever session teaching 10 year olds. We didn’t quite get to the end, but the same week I used the same session for up to 15 year olds, and in some cases they zoomed through faster. I’m used to teaching an 18 + age group, so it was an interesting experience. Anyway, if you’re battling with WordPress this may help you with the basics, and get you up and running!