
[ACADEMIC] Editorial Board 2020-2021 for @CogitatioMaC

Media and Communication (ISSN: 2183-2439) is an international open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in communication and its related fields.

I have accepted an invitation to be on the Editorial Board for the journal, which includes being responsible for a themed issue (which I will sort out post-surgery, potentially whilst in New Zealand), working to the following deadlines:

Issue proposal deadline: 31 October 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 1-15 March 2021
Full paper submission deadline: 15-31 July 2021
Publishing date: January 2022

I will be looking for 10-12 submissions, from institutions which can support the 900Euro open access costs (they do have a small waiver-fee fund), of which 5 should be confirmed by proposal deadline, so hoping that some of my contacts will be interested.

I’ve previously peer reviewed for the journal.

Although not on the ABS list, the journal has been quartile 1, though currently quartile 2, in Scimargo:

SCImago Journal & Country Rank