Not that I’m excited by this or anything, but you can read more online!
Read more on my WordPress blog relating to the Keep Calm and Carry On posters etc.!
Not that I’m excited by this or anything, but you can read more online!
Read more on my WordPress blog relating to the Keep Calm and Carry On posters etc.!
Great to see recognition for my research! As it says, at the time the Keep Calm and Carry On poster was nowhere. The poster that generated “a huge fuss” was the Your Courage poster from the same series. Just to note that I did say that the poster was distributed around the UK, kept in Post Offices, Libraries, etc, but was kept in reserve in case of invasion! Quite how the message was to get through to put them up, I’m not quite sure…
Read more about posters in the New York Times (not necessarily wartime posters). <edit 7th July>Who am I? What do I look like?</edit>