
[AUDIO] DANAH BOYD — Online Reflections of Our Offline Lives

This looks like an interestindanah_photog podcast to listen to:

Steeped in the cutting edge of research around the social lives of networked teens, danah boyd demystifies technology while being wise about the changes it’s making to life and relationship. She has intriguing advice on the technologically-fueled generation gaps of our age — that our children’s immersion in social media may offer a kind of respite from their over-structured, overscheduled analog lives. And that cyber-bullying is an online reflection of the offline world, and blaming technology is missing the point.


Think before you press 'post' online!

hit-enter-1-1035516-mThis is such a powerful piece, and captures much of what I think:

But Gale’s bullying and childish tactics are not the worst parts: it’s the audience, the followers, the media, cheering on, welcoming the suffering and distress of another innocent person because she had temporarily been in prior distress herself (again, according only to Gale).

Cyberspace and digital platforms are not free for all spaces that have no moral repercussions; they matter, because words matter. Gale’s actions directly affected another person, and they appear to be fuelled by the “sick love” people have with digital nastiness. It’s as if people believe there are no repercussions for calling her names, for laughing at her.

But there are repercussions. It’s just that most of us have never been the target of such systematic and bullish tactics. The laughter will cease when that does, and we’ll wonder how we ever laughed at all. Don’t support people like Gale. Do something Gale didn’t: be a better person than those who are causing you distress.

Read the full piece in The Guardian, and let’s have less of this (which jeopardised someone’s offline job – though to be fair the organisation needed to have a more co-ordinated response policy!), and more of this in which everyone is in on the joke (I’m for inclusion over exclusion)!

Digital Event

[WORKSHOP]: Improve Your Academic Profile Online

Education Cup on Globe Keywords. Vector illustrationDo you know that you need to raise you academic profile; know that social media is freely available, but have no idea how to make use of it? This daylong course will give you the confidence and skills to get started. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss topics including:

  • How to get yourself a profile online, whilst managing your time strategically
  • Maximise your chances of being picked up by the press
  • Understand the range of tools available to you, with the opportunity to look at Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, YouTube and Pinterest in particular
  • Think about who you are, and who you are seeking to engage with
  • Engage with ‘Open Educational Resources’, Copyright, and Creative Commons
  • Contemplate how “technology enhanced learning” has changed the educational landscape.

The course doesn’t require you to know anything about social media. It will be conducted through a mix of presentation and discussion, with materials available to download later to undertake practical engagement.

A recent slidedeck from the course:

University of Limerick (Training Session, June) from Bex Lewis
Academic Digital

Nature and the Digital

In the latest Psychologies magazine, there an interesting reference:

Science backs up the positive effects of nature with environmental psychology studies showing a neural effect on the brain. One seminal study in 2008 by the University of Washington, reported in The Journal of Environmental Psychology, compared responses to real and digital images of nature, with the real think producing lower, more relaxed, heart rates.

So I went to look for it:


Download the full article (PDF).


"Finding Paul Miller"

If you’ve not seen this – great insights into what it’s like to spend a year offline, highlighting how much the choices we make are not necessarily tied in with “the internet” … though note it wasn’t a “technology-free” year (if that’s even possible these days):

Read full article.