Tonight, for a little bit of time out from the everyday attachment to my computer, I went to NWCC‘s annual pantomime, written, directed and front-performed by David Simpkin (currently studying at the University of Winchester for an MPhil/PhD entitled “‘An analysis of the ways in which amateur pantomime in performance relates to the community for which it is performed, with particular emphasis on the ways in which the creative and rehearsal process affect the intended outcome'”, whilst also managing the University bookshop). First night tonight, always (un)officially billed as “the final rehearsal”, so the bargain price of £1! Lots of in-jokes, community jokes, running jokes, sing-songs, things going a bit wrong, and everyone generally having an AWESOME and hilarious time… much laughter in the room (not always at the right time according to Neil!)…
So, here we are, introduced to “The Three Musketeers: All for One and One for All”
Need a close-up shot of David!
Packed house: interval
“Bee” tries to “sneak out” with the “nefarious por-poises”…