
[SPEAKER] #PremDac19 – Digital Theology #TheBigC, with @RevJoanneCox

So, if you missed the session that Jo and I did at Premier Digital Conference 2019, the audio is now available via SoundCloud (you’ll need to scroll to near the bottom of the page):


Slides are here:

Digital Theology: The Big C #PremDac19 from Bex Lewis
*Edit* In case the file gets removed, I’ve recorded (has that echoey feel from being recorded from laptop speakers):



[EVENT] #PremDac19 Conference

I collected my tweets from the event here (you can check the hashtag #PremDac19 for more tweets):


[SPEAKER] Digital Theology: The Big C #PremDac19

Here are the slides from this afternoon’s forthcoming session at the Premier Digital Conference, with Rev Dr Joanne Cox and I, talking about faith, community and cancer…

Living faith-full community in the face of trauma. Explore how digital community exposes a God who calls us to campaign, collaborate, and care.’

Digital Theology: The Big C #PremDac19 from Bex Lewis
Cancer Speaker

[SPEAKER] Digital Theology: The Big C #PremDac19

So, the Premier Digital Conference (#PremDac19) is this weekend … despite all sorts of concerns about whether I would have recovered from my operation in time… I haven’t even had it yet! So, here’s my speaker bio:

and a small extract from the piece:

What can people expect from your session?

A lot more humour than might be expected from a session about incurable cancer! Joanne and I will have a conversation, drawing upon her book Finding God in a Culture of Fear, and professional and personal insights from my research and ‘my cancer experience’. The session will be illustrated with screenshots from online material that the church could learn from, as The Body of Christ has cancer, and those of us living with this reality (or any other chronic disease) have a story to tell.

Media & Press Media - Audio

[MEDIA] Talking to #PremierRadio about #PremDac19 and Social Media Communities

I spoke to the Inspirational Breakfast team on Wednesday morning, and then this was broadcast Thursday morning. You can listen to my thoughts online.