I’ve just written a short piece for Premier Media’s Youth and Children’s Work Magazine on cyberbullying, in the light of some recent reports:
- Ditch the Label has published research looking at children and young people’s experiences of being subjected to, witnessing and perpetrating bullying in online gaming environments https://www.ditchthelabel.org/research-papers/ingame-abuse
- Internet Matters has published findings from a survey of parents looking at their concerns about how children can experience cyberbullying differently based on gender and online activity https://www.internetmatters.org/hub/guidance/1-in-5-parents-admit-their-child-has-received-cruel-comments-online/
- The UK Safer Internet Centre has released findings from a consultation of young people looking at what they think their parents need to understand better about their digital lives https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/blog/5-things-teens-want-parents-know