
[WRITER] Find support through the screen for @ChurchTimes

I was commissioned to write a piece on technology and the church for the Church Times, for the post-pandemic special. The article starts:

IT HAS been fascinating to watch long-running debates about the use of technology go mainstream. There have been heated online discussions about the importance of church buildings. Alongside weekly services, weddings and ordinations have been cancelled, funerals can be attended only by a few, and ministerial licensings are conducted on Zoom.

Theological questions have been raised. Are “holy spaces” places that have been consecrated for worship, or simply wherever people gather (including online)? Are “holy people” required to be physically present for specific liturgies, or can more be translated online?

The extent to which technology is now so embedded in our lives was evident in the way in which many churches were able to “pivot” so quickly to putting services online. My digital spaces were full of ministers turning to each other to pass on tips and insights. Many church members were confident and ready to benefit immediately.

You can read it all here.

Thank you to Rachel Collinson and Andrew Graystone for feedback on drafts, and Vicky Walker for final sub edits.




[WRITER] Book Chapter in ‘Humans’ with @Vahva

A new series is being released by DLT, developed by editors Rev’d Bryony Taylor (author of More TV, Vicar? and Rector of Barlborough & Clowne), Mother Rebecca Amoroso, and Fr David Twomey

The second titles in the series, to be released as an eBook on June 26th (paperback will follow February 2021), Being Humans, is a six week course exploring themes of Slavery, Othering, How we Grieve and Life After Death, Identity, Technology: Friend or Foe?, and Activism. Similarly, each week will begin with a description of a key scene from Humans, consideration of a discussion on the theme by an appropriate Christian writer, then a Bible study including prayer, reflection and Bible study. It is not essential for group members to have seen the television programme, but it will provide useful food for thought for those that have.

I was one of several authors : Gemma Sampson (priest and activist in the fight against modern slavery with the Clewer Initiative and Hope for Justice), Chine McDonald (PR lead for Christian Aid, Thought for the Day broadcaster), Juliet Stephenson (priest and Director of the Good Funeral Company), Rachel Mann (priest and author of From Now On and Fierce Imaginings), Bex Lewis (writer and commentator on technology and its interface with faith and life) and Chris Howson (priest, campaigner and author A Just Church).

If ‘Call the Midwife’ is more your thing, that’s the other book in this new series.

Buy from Amazon



[WRITER] My @I_W_M #KeepCalmAndCarryOn Book Featured as a Recommended Work by @PosterHouseNYC

Lovely to come across this short video on Instagram, from Poster House, New York (determined to get there someday), and see that I have been featured as the first book:


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Book suggestions from our Chief Curator

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These are all the other books mentioned in the video:


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Did you see all the great poster books our curator mentioned in today’s video? What are some of your favorite poster-related reads?

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And just to note that the Guardian featured another piece on Keep Calm and Carry On this week, but didn’t delve into my history of it!


[WRITER] Chapter in The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online

I was pleased to be invited to write a chapter for Heidi Campbell’s edited collection, related to churches seeking to be online through the coronavirus pandemic, alongside a range of interesting other writers.

My work can be found at Chapter 22: An Inclusive Church Community in a Digital Age
The coronavirus pandemic has caused churches to use digital technologies in a way that many have never done before: how can it learn from this to become a more inclusive church for the future?


Network for New Media, Religion & Digital Culture Studies publishes first eBook, The Distanced Church

Digital Religion Publications, an imprint of the Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies, announces the publication of its first eBook. “The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online” is an experiment in trying to create an accessible international dialogue between church leaders, theologians, and media scholars. The book is a collection of 30 essays in which pastors, professors, priests, and entrepreneurs explore the challenges and opportunities created for churches during the current global COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the past month, most churches around the world have been forced to close their doors due to the need for social distancing and local lockdowns in order to fight off the spread of the virus. The result has been an unplanned and swift transition towards technologically-driven forms of gathering. Many church leaders have felt out of their comfort zone while experimenting with doing church online. At the same time, scholars and theologians have been studying new trends in how churches are performing worship online. These experts have also found themselves in the spotlight recently, being asked to offer practical and theological advice to religious leaders on churches and technology during this time of transition.

“The Distanced Church” brings together these two groups in a format where they can offer lessons learned, answer questions that have been raised, and present insights gleaned from researching and doing religion online. Contributors come from ten different countries—within North America, Europe, and the Antipodes—and represent 12 different Christian denominations including Mainline, Catholic, and Nondenominational churches.

The project is spearheaded by Dr. Heidi A Campbell, professor of communication at Texas A&M University and director of the Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies. She has studied religious groups’ use of technology for two and a half decades. Her goal was to collect key stories and research expertise reflecting on the response of churches to the pandemic, and to publish them in a quick and timely manner. The goal is to get this material out to those who will most benefit from a project of this nature—religious communities wrestling with the sudden move from offline to online ministry through digitally-mediated contexts.

Written, edited, and published within three weeks over March and April 2020, this edited collection is offered as a free eBook available in PDF, ePub, and a mobile-friendly version. The PDF version of “The Distanced Church” is available as of April 20, 2020 online. The ePub version will be released online on April 27, 2020. All versions can be downloaded freely via the OAKTrust Digital Repository at Texas A&M University:  AND

Heidi A Campbell is available for interviews related to this book and her research on Digital Religion studies. She can be contacted via email at

EBook Citation: Heidi A Campbell, editor. (2020). The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online. Digital Religion Publications-Network for New Media, Religion & Digital Culture Studies. College Station, Texas


[WRITER] Chapter on ‘The Digital Age’ in Pastoral Challenges & Concerns: A Christian Handbook for Leaders

There was a nice surprise in my pigeon hole at work today. Before I left Durham (in 2015), I had written the first draft of a chapter on ‘The Digital Age’ for what was to be the second edition of ‘The Christian Handbook of Abuse, Addiction and Difficult Behaviour‘. With new chapters which didn’t really fit that remit, the title was renamed. The book was finally published by Kevin Mayhew at the end of 2018, and I’ve just received my copy.

Here’s the contents page, so you can get an overview of the content:

Here’s the first page of my chapter:

And if you want to know more about all the authors: