Life(style) Reviewer

Book Review: Longing for More by Ruth Haley Barton

longing-for-moreI read this book right-through on my return from my travels round the world, as I looked for a way to re-connecting with living a life more real for God for the previous 6 weeks spiritual study/sermons has pretty much gone out the window as I gorged myself on Latin American scenery – and I was feeling the worse for it. How can I possibly lead others when my own spiritual discipline is so poor BUT it’s never too later and life with Christ is a daily re-commitment – there’s no point bemoaning what I haven’t done before, just focus on what I can do now!

Barton has a particular, and active, way of reading this book in mind. Thankfully, she “gives permission” for those who need the book as one to do so to get the overview needed, but asks that you commit to “read it a second time more slowly, engaging in the spiritual practices and allowing God to speak deeply in your life.” I’ve yet to start the second stage!

Back Cover:
With compassion and insight Ruth Haley Barton identities the pressure exerted on Christian women – by church, culture and from within – and the radical call of Christ to each of us to be free. Exploring eleven freedoms available in Jesus, she shows how Christian women can respond to the genuinely liberating call of Christ on their lives.

Chapter Headings

  1. Finding our Identity in Christ
  2. Say Yes to God’s Purposes
  3. Serving God in the Way that He calls
  4. Living in Truth
  5. Escaping the Tyranny of the ‘Never-Enough’ World
  6. Cultivating a Marriage that Works
  7. Embracing our Sexuality
  8. Experiencing the Transformations of Motherhood
  9. Finding God in the midst of Difficulty
  10. Reaching Across Generations
  11. Being Christ in the World

p.43 [We should record our own discoveries as we work our way through the Scriptures, coming up with our own version of the following:]

One woman has written down brief statements that reflect what she has learned about God’s view of her, and she repeats them to herself daily:

  • I am complete in Christ
  • I am a worthwhile person just as I am
  • I stand alone before God as a whole person
  • I have talents and abilities that God gives because he expresses himself through me
  • I can love others and give good things to them because God’s love is poured out in my heart.
  • I have self-esteem and integrity on my own because I am just as God intended me to be.

Prepared for use as an Oak Hall leader.