
#FashRev: Social Experiment

An interesting video. What would you have done? Might it change your clothes buying habits (and mine!)?


Blog Action Day: SFDO

Blog Action Day: Super Fun Days OutSuper Fun Days Out snuck in at the last minute (literally, in UK time). I’d done my blog entry for this blog, and then thought – there’s quite a lot of adrenalin/extreme sports that people can undertake without impacting too much upon the environment, so I pulled together an entry that went live at 11.59pm on the 15th October, for Blog Action Day, although as it’s still 15th October in other countries, they’ll be new entries for a while yet!

Super Fun Days Out: AdrenablogBlogs don’t always need to be complicated, and are often a great space for pulling together your ideas… and see, within minutes we’re appearing on here: Blog Action Day

And Twitter, of course, has made a great impact on this campaign – check under #BAD09 for posts related to this – unfortunately I haven’t spotted it as a trending topic at any point today… would have thought it would have been!

twitterbad09If you just read a handful of the blogs produced today, there would be plenty of new ideas and tips swimming around!


Blog Action Day: Update

#BAD09: The EvidenceAt 18:45 BST, this was the number of  blogs participating, and the potential number of people who could be reached! Even Gordon Brown is blogging in aid of Blog Action Day! It’s still not too late to join in – I’m not sure at what point it stops being the 15th October anywhere in the world, but you have until then, and here are some  useful tips provided on what you could blog about, by those who have organised the day!


Blog Action Day: October 15

What a great idea! I was just reading the blog of ‘Socks for Happy People’ (what a great concept in itself, and I’ve been watching it’s development with interest), and I thought what a great use for mass social action. Social Media is still rather in an experimental phase, so it’s interesting to see what works, and what doesn’t work!

Blog Action Day‘ was launched in 2007, and last year, with the number of RSS subscribers (and bearing in mind that some don’t subscribe, but just read through, e.g. Facebook links, Twitter posts, etc.) they potentially reached 14 million people – pretty powerful, eh?

So, now, I need to think of an appropriate topic to write about for that day. I saw Al Gore’s film the other week, and we’ve discussed quite a lot recently, so maybe I need to crowdsource information from friends!