
[Book Review] Speed Limits: Where Time Went and Why We Have So Little Left, by Mark Taylor

25867_book-review-speed-limits-by-mark-c-taylorThis looks interesting:

Howard P. Segal on an examination of the accelerating pace of life whose scope extends beyond fast food and computers

In our high-tech culture, speed is all the rage – not necessarily drugs (God forbid) but so much else: communications and transportation in endless forms. We are constantly reminded that our pace of change is unprecedented; that no prior society has ever approached ours in the ability to share instantaneously experiences, feelings, news and thoughts with intimates and strangers alike across the world.

No prior society, moreover, has approached our computer-based ability to analyse almost infinite amounts of data and to extract supposedly accurate conclusions about our varied values, views and behaviours. This in turn provides an allegedly reliable crystal ball with which to make predictions of crucial importance to policymakers in both the public and private sectors.

Read full review.


Academic Digital

Students demanding feedback…

Students used to ‘quick feedback’, are becoming more and more demanding.

Students currently going through the higher education system are part of a “net generation” who expect instant feedback because of their heavy reliance on mobile phones, social media and video games, a conference has heard.

Arlene J. Nicholas, an assistant professor in the department of business studies and economics at Salve Regina University in New England, spoke at the Society for Research into Higher Education conference, held in Wales last week, giving findings from her research on learning methods among 100 students at a small private university.

She told delegates that the current generation of US students – defined as those born between 1981 and 2000 – were the most diverse, with a third defined as non-white or Latino. But they are also the most demanding, Dr Nicholas claimed. “This multimedia generation seems to expect multiple methods to learn,” she said.

She added that the net generation could be easily upset by negative feedback but nevertheless wanted more feedback than any other generation.

Read full story, and read more about FASTECH, a project at the University of Winchester considering how technology can enhance feedback.