Event Life(style)

Greenbelt 2010: Booked

Yes, I was organised this year, I have purchased my ticket for Greenbelt before the 20% discount expires on 30th November! £77 for 3 nights of camping (4 if you really want, just remember the jumpers in case it’s as cold as 2009), and loads of speakers, art, events, and all sorts. I really enjoyed myself this year, so  I was determined that I was going to go for 2010 (27—30 August 2010, Cheltenham Racecourse), although I’ll probably focus more on the experiential side (even more so than this year) as you can buy MOST (not all) talks after the event. I especially loved the 2 sessions I did at Grenhaus – the Greenbelt School of Art – and I know I missed some classic Greenbelt moments, so guess need to find the time before the event if I’m to make the most of it…

2010: The Art of Looking Sideways (I always love the themes, always so cryptic, and people make interesting links around the ideas…)

Glad to see that some of my friends are already signed up for the Facebook Group: “Going to Greenbelt 2010” (unofficial, but quite handy!) – give me a “hi” comment if you’re coming…, and wonder if they’ll have invented a manual charger for the 3GS iPhone for this year, as the app was awesome, but a pain every time the battery ran out!

Image courtesy of Beyond.