This afternoon’s session at #CNMAC14, encouraging us to think about healthy habits online… hoping plenty of time for discussion!
Tag: Time Out
Lovely piece, this is towards the end:
So I guess my heart is that you don’t give up the social media. It’s the same reason I want my kids to know how to use it – we live in a digital age and it’s something they need to know how to do. But maybe, just maybe, I want you to have that breath in the midst of your day when you hear the words of I can’t do this or I don’t measure up or I don’t matter or I have too much to do or I don’t make a difference and instead replace it with this day I will.
Read full article.
An interesting piece on taking time out (longer than intended) by this author:
As I sat there listening to the panel, I also realized we still had a great deal of work to do in all our communities and much of that work had to do with helping people learn to not only not fear technology but create more balance in their lives. I had that a-ha! moment in my own life, in fact, about a year ago, sitting in another conference. It was a surreal moment when I realized that what I needed to do was unplug and take a step away from the plugged in world where people claimed to be connected and back into the real world without plugs where I hoped to find connection again. I had no idea what would occur but I knew one thing for sure sitting in that conference room: I had to get offline for a while and regroup.
Read full piece.
There should by rights be a team of holiday police who wrestle your tech from your grasp as you pass through customs. At the very least there should be an amnesty box, in which you can deposit your phone and/or personal organiser for the duration of your trip. But alas, there is none of these things. And so a combination of modern communication infrastructure and weak will have allowed the tentacles of work to extend well beyond the walls of my place of employment.
When I finally get round to unpacking I find that I have forgotten my charger. This is perhaps the act of a desperate subconscious trying to save me from myself. The battery will not last the week and so the phone gets switched off. But still I find myself sneaking away from the dinner table every now and then, powering the thing up to see if there are any messages, all the while trying to avoid discovery by my family. I feel like a wireless operator for the French Resistance. Except, well, what exactly am I resisting? The chance to spend proper time with my family, the opportunity to take time out from work, the undeniable need to recharge my own batteries?
Read full story by Kevin Fong.