
[Book Review] Speed Limits: Where Time Went and Why We Have So Little Left, by Mark Taylor

25867_book-review-speed-limits-by-mark-c-taylorThis looks interesting:

Howard P. Segal on an examination of the accelerating pace of life whose scope extends beyond fast food and computers

In our high-tech culture, speed is all the rage – not necessarily drugs (God forbid) but so much else: communications and transportation in endless forms. We are constantly reminded that our pace of change is unprecedented; that no prior society has ever approached ours in the ability to share instantaneously experiences, feelings, news and thoughts with intimates and strangers alike across the world.

No prior society, moreover, has approached our computer-based ability to analyse almost infinite amounts of data and to extract supposedly accurate conclusions about our varied values, views and behaviours. This in turn provides an allegedly reliable crystal ball with which to make predictions of crucial importance to policymakers in both the public and private sectors.

Read full review.



30 Things: Living Life to the Full

Circulating on Facebook
Circulating on Facebook

This year I’ve been particularly working on “living life to the full“, and after hearing about a young man who has died today, this  article came into my inbox – the first is:

  1. Remember you will die. Maybe even today. Don’t forget that. Don’t forget to be thankful for your health. For the ability to walk. For the time you get to spend with the person you love. For your siblings. For whatever it is that you have today. It’s not yours, it can be stolen away at any moment. So while you have it on loan, cherish it.

Read the full post… most of the rest are worth thinking about too.


#BIGRead14: Fullness of Life (including @QuietGardens)

Image Source: Worship Cloud
Image Source: Worship Cloud

As we prepare for ‘Lent proper’ – today’s poem from Stephen Cherry is short, and focused on a life full of positive thoughts and actions – which first made me think of Jesus calling us to ‘live life to the full‘, and then how often I overfill my life, and therefore need reminding of W.H.Auden’s poem:

W. H. Davies: Leisure

WHAT is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?—

No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows:

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

A search for ‘time to stand and stare’ on Wikipedia led to The Quiet Garden Trust, a “a non-profit organisation which encourages the provision of Quiet Gardens where people can set aside time for contemplation, prayer and renewal”… I think these are the closest to me – but they are all around the world.

I was then reminded of #3goodthings – and that I was recently up in the attic looking for something, and found a diary from a few years ago where I drew at least three things I was thankful for each day… and it really did help my state of mind… whether to do this oneline… I do like the paper/drawing aspect of this, especially as I’m cutting down on screens late at night, and is often the last thing to do…


Zapping Time: Finding Fulfillment for @ThreadsTweetsUK

Read the full post, and I’d love your comments about how time seems to work for you in the 21st Century, over at Threads.

Digital Event

#Giveanhour asks @stephenfry

This morning, Stephen Fry asked us to #giveanhour to help someone else get online:

Stephen Fry give an hour

Earlier today, bearing in mind that we gain an hour’s sleep tonight, Stephen Fry has asked us to consider giving an hour of our time to help one of the many people’s who not online, help in the first steps. I’ve already been involved in Social Media Surgeries, and these run on a more organised principle, but still  require free space/volunteer provision to help people engage with social media. So, check out

Give an Hour

P.S. First post I’ve created using my Mac & Pixelator… getting used to different key combinations.