
Tweetbook Update

I don’t think there’s a way to remove earlier pages without faffing around with PDF-editors, so here we are, July 2009 to 1pm Monday 18th January 2010 (the previous version only went back to October… interesting):

Tweetbook, July 2009 to January 18 2010

I would be interested to see the possibility of downloads for mentions – or is that just vain?




I’ve been thinking for a while that I need to replace to Twitter daily digests on this site (the other option would have been to ensure that they went into a different stream), as they appear to interrupt the smooth flow, and make it harder to find anything I want via search. So, what should come along but ‘Tweetbook‘, which should capture the last 3200 Tweets that an account sends. This account @digitalfprint, however, has only sent 1700, but the Tweetbook only goes back to October. Judging by what others are doing with Tweetbook (which allows you to download all your tweets into a clickable PDF file), it would seem a good plan to download a Tweetbook once a month, rather than the daily digests (although this may seem like a delay, there is still access via Twitter itself to recent tweets). I have also seen some interesting use in capturing Twitter via conference hashtags (e.g. DevLearn09 (PDF download)), although I’m not (yet) sure that that was done with this software!

See @digitalfprint’s Tweetbook October – Dec 8 2009 (PDF)