

My biggest thanks goes to Dr Martin Polley for his time, patience and unfailing enthusiasm for this dissertation. Thanks also goes to Derek Bunyard for time spent discussing some artistic aspects.

Thanks is also given to the trustees of the Imperial War Museum (IWM), the Mass-Observation (M-O) archives, and the Public Record Office (PRO). Particular thanks for help goes to Jenny Wood and Michael Moody of the Art Department, and the Reading Room staff, at the IWM, and to Joy Eldridge, Tim Graves and Julie Applin at M-O.

Thanks also goes to departments at King Alfred’s College: the Martial-Rose Library as the repository of many books; and the reprographics centre for their help with photocopying and binding.

Also, a very big thank you to Glenn Tyreman for allowing me to monopolise his computer when my printer ‘gave up the ghost’ two days before the deadline.

Last, but by no means least, a big ‘thank you’ to my parents, for their encouragement, and for funding my way through the course.

If you wish to cite from this page, please use the following citation:

Lewis, R.M., ‘Acknowledgements, Undergraduate Dissertation: The planning, design and reception of British home front propaganda posters of the Second World War’ <URL>, written April 1997, accessed Enter Date Here

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Including a look at the history of the poster in general, this dissertation concentrates upon some of the posters that the British government produced for the Home Front in the Second World War. It tries to comprehend whether the government attached any importance to such posters, any steps that were consequently taken to ensure that those produced were accurate and relevant, and any lessons that the government learnt from posters which were considered failures.

Through three themed case studies – into foreign influences on posters; how the government impressed upon people the importance of their role in the war; and a specific look at the way women were represented, and appealed to, in posters – this study attempts to address an area on which little has previously been done.

If you wish to cite from this page, please use the following citation:

Lewis, R.M., ‘Synopsis, Undergradute Thesis: The planning, design and reception of British home front propaganda posters of the Second World War’, <URL>, written April 1997, accessed Enter Date Here

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